Om  1.0.0
A universal framework for multimedia simulation
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NomThe enclosing namespace for the entire Om library
 NcompressionA namespace that handles lossless data compression
 NdataA namespace containing data manipulation classes: strings, buffers, and hashing
 NeditorsA namespace containing GUI editors for different data types
 NengineA namespace that manages simulations that evolve over time
 NfsA namespace containing classes that provide ways to access and manipulate file systems
 NgraphicsA namespace containing classes for hardware-based graphics rendering
 NguiA namespace containing classes that interface with the platform-native GUI
 NimagesA namespace containing classes that manipulate images
 NioA namespace containing classes that provide functionality for streaming data input and output
 NlangA namespace containing classes that extend the basic functionality of C++
 NmathA namespace containing classes and functions that do fast math operations
 NphysicsA namespace that handles simulation of physically-based dynamics
 NresourcesA namespace containing classes that handle resource serialization and management
 NscriptingThe enclosing namespace for the entire scripting library
 NsoundA namespace that handles sound input, output, and processing
 NsystemA namespace containing classes that manage system resources like CPU, GPU, memory, and displays
 NthreadsA namespace containing classes that provide ways to create, manage, and synchronize threads
 NtimeA namespace containing classes that are related to keeping track of time
 NutilA namespace containing data structure classes and memory manipulation functions
 NxmlA namespace containing utilities for reading and writing XML files