Om  1.0.0
A universal framework for multimedia simulation
Classes | Typedefs
om::scripting::mir::lang Namespace Reference

The namespace containing the language and AST definitions for the Mir scripting language. More...


class  ArrayAccessExpression
 A class that represents a generic unary operator expression that operates on one expression operand. More...
class  ASTNode
 A class that represents the base class for a node within a Mir abstract syntax tree. More...
class  BinaryExpression
 A class that represents a generic binary operator expression that operates on two expression operands. More...
class  BlockStatement
 A class that represents a new statement scope block. More...
class  BooleanLiteral
 A class that represents a boolean literal within the source code. More...
class  CastExpression
 A class that represents an expression where another expression is cast to a specific type. More...
class  ClassDeclaration
 A class that represents the declaration of a class type. More...
class  Constructor
 A class that represents an constructor declaration and its statements. More...
class  ConstructorDeclaration
 A class that represents the declaration of a class-level constructor. More...
class  Declaration
 A class that represents the declaration of a scope, type, field, or method. More...
class  Expression
 A class that represents an expression within the source code. More...
class  ExpressionRange
 A class that represents the range of a series of tokens which should be later interpreted as an expression. More...
class  ExpressionStatement
 A class that represents a statement that executes an expression. More...
class  Field
 A class that represents a field and initializing expression. More...
class  FieldDeclaration
 A class that represents the declaration of a class or namespace-level data field. More...
class  FloatLiteral
 A class that represents an floating-point literal within the source code. More...
class  ForStatement
 A class that represents a statement that is used to iteratively loop, usually on an index. More...
class  FunctionBody
 A class that represents a function's body and its statements. More...
class  FunctionCallExpression
 A class that represents an expression where a function expression is called with arguments. More...
class  FunctionDeclaration
 A class that represents the base class for all function-like declarations. More...
class  Identifier
 A class that represents a single-word identifying name within Mir source code. More...
class  IDTable
 A class that provides a data structure for efficiently resolving identifier names. More...
class  IDTableEntry
 A class that represents an entry within an IDTable. More...
class  IfStatement
 A class that represents a conditional if-else statement pattern. More...
class  Import
 A class that represents an import into the current namespace. More...
class  IntegerLiteral
 A class that represents an integer literal within the source code. More...
class  IsaExpression
 A class that represents a generic unary operator expression that operates on one expression operand. More...
class  Literal
 A class that represents a literal numerical or string value within the source code. More...
class  LiteralExpression
 A class that represents a literal valued expression within the source code. More...
class  Method
 A class that represents a method declaration and its statements. More...
class  MethodDeclaration
 A class that represents the declaration of a class or namespace-level method. More...
class  NamespaceDeclaration
 A class that represents the declaration of a namespace and its members. More...
class  NewArrayExpression
 A class that represents an array-type allocation expression. More...
class  NewObjectExpression
 A class that represents an object-type allocation expression. More...
class  NullLiteral
 A class that represents a 'null' literal within the source code. More...
class  Operator
 A class that represents an operator declaration and its statements. More...
class  OperatorDeclaration
 A class that represents the declaration of a class or namespace-level operator. More...
class  OperatorType
 A class that represents the type of a Mir language operator. More...
class  Reference
 A class that represents a string of reference qualifiers which name an object, value, or function. More...
class  ReferenceExpression
 A class that represents an expression that references an object or function within the source code. More...
class  ReferenceQualifier
 A class that represents a reference qualifier in the source code. More...
class  ReturnStatement
 A class that represents a statement that returns from a function. More...
class  Statement
 A class that represents a statement within a method. More...
class  StringLiteral
 A class that represents a string literal within the source code. More...
class  TemplateDeclaration
 A class that represents a template parameter list declaration. More...
class  TemplateInstantiation
 A class that represents a template parameter list instantiation. More...
class  ThrowStatement
 A class that represents a statement which throws an exception. More...
class  Token
 A class that represents a token for the Mir scripting language. More...
class  TokenType
 A class that represents the type of a Mir language token. More...
class  TryCatchStatement
 A class that represents a statement that is executed while handling exceptions. More...
class  Type
 A class that represents a fully qualified type within the source code. More...
class  TypeDeclaration
 A class that represents the declaration of a derrived type or alias. More...
class  UnaryExpression
 A class that represents a generic unary operator expression that operates on one expression operand. More...
class  VariableDeclaration
 A class that represents the declaration of local variables of the same type. More...
class  VariableDeclarationExpression
 A class that represents a expression that declares a local variable. More...
class  Visibility
 A class that represents a type of visibility for a scope member declaration. More...
class  WhileStatement
 A class that represents a statement that loops while a condition expression is true. More...


typedef NamespaceDeclaration Module

Detailed Description

The namespace containing the language and AST definitions for the Mir scripting language.

Typedef Documentation