Om  1.0.0
A universal framework for multimedia simulation
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NomThe enclosing namespace for the entire Om library
 NcompressionA namespace that handles lossless data compression
 NdataA namespace containing data manipulation classes: strings, buffers, and hashing
 NeditorsA namespace containing GUI editors for different data types
 NbaseA namespace containing editor base code
 NtypesA namespace containing editors for various resource types
 NviewsA namespace containing reusable GUI views for editing data in common ways
 NengineA namespace that manages simulations that evolve over time
 NacousticsA namespace containing engine code that handles acoustic simulation for the engine
 NanimationA namespace containing engine code that handles animations for the engine
 NbaseA namespace containing base engine code
 NgraphicsA namespace containing engine code that handles graphics rendering for the engine
 NphysicsA namespace containing engine code that handles physics simulation for the engine
 NresourcesA namespace containing engine code that handles resource managment for the engine
 NsoundA namespace containing engine code that handles sound for the engine
 NexceptionsA namespace containing various types of commonly used exception classes
 NfsA namespace containing classes that provide ways to access and manipulate file systems
 NgraphicsA namespace containing classes for hardware-based graphics rendering
 NbaseA namespace containing graphics base code
 NbuffersA namespace containing buffers of vertex and index data
 NcamerasA namespace that contains camera-related classes
 NdevicesA namespace that handles interfacing with hardware graphics devices
 NopenglA namespace that contains classes that use OpenGL for rendering
 NguiA namespace containing a library for hardware-based GUI rendering
 NbaseA namespace containing basic classes for hardware-based GUIs
 NfontsA namespace containing classes that handle fonts
 NobjectsA namespace containing GUI objects (i.e. widgets)
 NrenderersA namespace containing a library for hardware-based GUI rendering
 NresourcesA namespace containing a classes that manage graphics GUI resources
 NioA namespace that handles loading and saving graphics data
 NmaterialsA namespace containing classes related to graphics materials and shaders
 NrenderersA namespace containing high-level graphics renderers
 NresourcesA namespace containing classes that read and write the resource file format
 NscenesA namespace containing scene-related classes
 NshapesA namespace containing renderable graphics shapes
 NtexturesA namespace containing classes that relate to textures
 NguiA namespace containing classes that interface with the platform-native GUI
 NinputA namespace containing classes that handle user input from the mouse, keyboard, etc
 NobjectsA namespace containing platform-native GUI objects
 NimagesA namespace containing classes that manipulate images
 NbaseA namespace containing low-level basic classes for image processing
 NfiltersA namespace containing classes that filter images
 NioA namespace containing classes that load and save images
 NresourcesA namespace containing classes that handle image resources
 NioA namespace containing classes that provide functionality for streaming data input and output
 NlangA namespace containing classes that extend the basic functionality of C++
 NmathA namespace containing classes and functions that do fast math operations
 NphysicsA namespace that handles simulation of physically-based dynamics
 NbaseA namespace that contains physics base classes
 NcollisionA namespace that contains classes that detect for collisions between shapes
 NconstraintsA namespace that contains classes that resolve collisions and handle joints between objects
 NcontextA namespace that contains classes that handle a physics simulation context
 NforcesA namespace that contains classes that apply forces to objects in a simulation
 NobjectsA namespace that contains classes that represent different types of objects in a simulation
 NresourcesA namespace that contains classes that load and save physics data to the resource file format
 NscenesA namespace that contains classes that represent scenes where physics are simulated
 NshapesA namespace that contains classes that represent the shapes of objects in a simulation
 NresourcesA namespace containing classes that handle resource serialization and management
 NscriptingThe enclosing namespace for the entire scripting library
 NmirA namespace containing all code related to the Mir scripting language
 NlangThe namespace containing the language and AST definitions for the Mir scripting language
 NutilA namespace containing code useful for all kinds of scripting engines
 NvmA namespace containing a virtual machine for scripting languages
 NsoundA namespace that handles sound input, output, and processing
 NacousticsA namespace containing functionality for 3D sound propagation and auralization
 NbaseA namespace containing basic classes for acoustic simulation
 NcontextsA namespace containing classes that handle sound propagation and rendering
 NobjectsA namespace containing classes that represent objects in an acoustic context
 NresourcesA namespace that handles resource serialization for acoustic simulation
 NauA namespace containing classes that interface with Apple's Audio Unit (AU) plugin format
 NbaseA namespace containing basic sound classes for samples, buffers, and others types
 NdevicesA namespace containing classes handling input and output from audio devices
 NfiltersA namespace containing classes that do processing on buffers of audio and MIDI data
 NioA namespace containing classes that encode and decode sound from various sound file types
 NpluginsA namespace containing classes that manage different types of audio processing plugins (filters, AU, VST, etc)
 NresourcesA namespace containing classes that encode and decode sound data to/from the resource format
 NviewsA namespace containing classes that provide graphical user interfaces for SoundFilter classes
 NvstA namespace containing classes that interface with Steinberg's Virtual Studio Technology (VST) plugin format
 NsystemA namespace containing classes that manage system resources like CPU, GPU, memory, and displays
 NthreadsA namespace containing classes that provide ways to create, manage, and synchronize threads
 NtimeA namespace containing classes that are related to keeping track of time
 NutilA namespace containing data structure classes and memory manipulation functions
 NxmlA namespace containing utilities for reading and writing XML files