Om  1.0.0
A universal framework for multimedia simulation
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Com::math::AABB1D< Color4f >
 Com::math::AABB1D< double >
 Com::math::AABB1D< float >
 Com::math::AABB1D< Index >
 Com::math::AABB2D< float >
 Com::math::AABB2D< Real >
 Com::math::AABB3D< float >
 Com::math::AABB3D< Real >
 Com::util::Array< Channel >
 Com::util::Array< ChannelHistory >
 Com::util::Array< ChannelPhase >
 Com::util::Array< ComplexSample >
 Com::util::Array< DelayFilter >
 Com::util::Array< DelayFilterChannel >
 Com::util::Array< Float >
 Com::util::Array< Gain >
 Com::util::Array< KeyCode >
 Com::util::Array< MouseButtonCode >
 Com::util::Array< om::graphics::buffers::VertexBuffer * >
 Com::util::Array< om::graphics::textures::Texture * >
 Com::util::Array< om::sound::base::ChannelInfo >
 Com::util::Array< ParametricFilterBand >
 Com::util::Array< Sample32f >
 Com::util::Array< SecondOrderFilter >
 Com::util::Array< UByte >
 Com::util::ArrayList< AlgorithmInfo * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Argument >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Block *, ColliderID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Block *, ConstraintID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Block *, ContactID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Block *, ForceFieldID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Block *, ForceID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Block *, ManifoldID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Block *, PhysicsObjectID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Block *, PhysicsSceneID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Block *, PointerInt >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Block *, Size >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Block *, SizeType >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Block *, SoundListenerID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Block *, SoundObjectID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Block *, SoundSceneID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Block *, SoundSourceID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Block *, SpatialID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< BufferInfo >
 Com::util::ArrayList< CatchStatement >
 Com::util::ArrayList< ChildInfo >
 Com::util::ArrayList< ColliderID, ColliderID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< CollisionPair >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Column >
 Com::util::ArrayList< ComponentInfo >
 Com::util::ArrayList< const om::graphics::shapes::Light * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< const om::physics::context::PhysicsContext::ConstraintInfo *, UInt32 >
 Com::util::ArrayList< ConstraintID, ConstraintID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< ContactID, ContactID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< CrossoverPoint >
 Com::util::ArrayList< DeviceBusInfo >
 Com::util::ArrayList< DeviceInfo >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Entry >
 Com::util::ArrayList< FontCache >
 Com::util::ArrayList< FontEntry >
 Com::util::ArrayList< ForceFieldID, ForceFieldID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< ForceID, ForceID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< FrequencyBand >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Glyph >
 Com::util::ArrayList< GraphicsObject * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< GraphLabel >
 Com::util::ArrayList< GraphSeries >
 Com::util::ArrayList< GridCell >
 Com::util::ArrayList< GridRow >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Index >
 Com::util::ArrayList< InstanceInfo >
 Com::util::ArrayList< JobID * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< KeyEvent >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Level >
 Com::util::ArrayList< LightIntensity >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Line >
 Com::util::ArrayList< ListenerInfo * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< ManifoldID, ManifoldID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< MappedRegion >
 Com::util::ArrayList< MatrixND< Real, 4, 4 > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< MeshChunkData >
 Com::util::ArrayList< MouseButtonEvent >
 Com::util::ArrayList< MouseMotionEvent >
 Com::util::ArrayList< MouseWheelEvent >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Object >
 Com::util::ArrayList< ObjectInfo * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< ObjectInfo >
 Com::util::ArrayList< ObjectTable >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::editors::base::ResourceTypeEditorFactory * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::engine::base::Event< ValueType > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::engine::base::SceneContext * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::engine::base::SceneContextFactory * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::engine::base::Sequence * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::engine::SimpleDemo::Delegate >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::graphics::cameras::Camera * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::graphics::gui::objects::Button * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::graphics::gui::objects::GUIObject * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::graphics::materials::ConstantBinding >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::graphics::materials::ConstantVariable >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::graphics::materials::ShaderParameter >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::graphics::materials::ShaderProgram * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::graphics::materials::ShaderSource * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::graphics::materials::TextureBinding >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::graphics::materials::TextureVariable >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::graphics::materials::VertexBinding >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::graphics::materials::VertexVariable >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::graphics::scenes::GraphicsObject * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::graphics::shapes::GraphicsShape * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::graphics::shapes::MeshChunk >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::graphics::shapes::MeshGroup * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::lang::Shared< AudioUnitFactory > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::lang::Shared< ItemInfo > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::lang::Shared< lang::om::scripting::mir::lang::Type > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::lang::Shared< om::engine::base::SceneContext > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::lang::Shared< om::graphics::devices::GraphicsDevice > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::lang::Shared< om::graphics::materials::DeviceShader > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::ClassDeclaration > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::Constructor > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::Declaration > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::Expression > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::Field > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::Import > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::Method > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::NamespaceDeclaration > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::Operator > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::Statement > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::TypeDeclaration > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::VariableDeclaration > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::lang::Shared< om::xml::XMLNode > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::math::AABB1D< Index > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::math::FFT * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::math::VectorND >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::physics::base::ConvexHull::Triangle, UInt32 >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::physics::base::ConvexHull::Vertex, UInt32 >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::physics::base::ObjectState * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::physics::collision::Collider * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::physics::collision::CollisionResult >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::physics::collision::EPASolver::EPAEdge, UInt32, om::util::AlignedAllocator< 16 > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::physics::collision::MinkowskiVertex, UInt32, om::util::AlignedAllocator< 16 > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::physics::constraints::Constraint * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::physics::context::PhysicsContext::ConstraintInfo * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::physics::context::PhysicsContext::ConstraintIsland, UInt32 >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::physics::forces::Force * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::physics::forces::ForceField * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::physics::objects::PhysicsObject * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::resources::OpaqueResource >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::resources::Prototype::Component >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::resources::Resource< DataType > >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::resources::ResourceReference >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::resources::ResourceTranscoder * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::resources::ResourceTypeID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::resources::ResourceTypeSetBase * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::resources::ResourceTypeTranscoder< DataType > * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::scripting::mir::lang::ReferenceQualifier >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::scripting::mir::lang::Token >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::scripting::util::Error >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::sound::acoustics::base::SoundMaterialAttribute >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::sound::acoustics::objects::SoundListener * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::sound::acoustics::objects::SoundObject * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::sound::acoustics::objects::SoundSource * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::sound::base::SharedBufferInfo * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::sound::base::SharedSoundBuffer >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::sound::devices::MIDIDeviceID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::sound::devices::SoundDeviceID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::sound::filters::CutoffFilter * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::sound::filters::SoundFilter * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::sound::plugins::PluginTypeManager * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::system::DisplayMode >
 Com::util::ArrayList< om::xml::XMLAttribute >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Page * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Parameter >
 Com::util::ArrayList< PathComponent >
 Com::util::ArrayList< PhysicsObjectID, PhysicsObjectID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< PhysicsSceneID, PhysicsSceneID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< PlaybackInstance >
 Com::util::ArrayList< PluginInfo * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Point >
 Com::util::ArrayList< PointerInt >
 Com::util::ArrayList< PointerInt, PointerInt >
 Com::util::ArrayList< ReferenceObject >
 Com::util::ArrayList< RegionInfo >
 Com::util::ArrayList< ResourceInfo >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Row >
 Com::util::ArrayList< RowScope >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Sample >
 Com::util::ArrayList< SampleRate >
 Com::util::ArrayList< SequenceTrack >
 Com::util::ArrayList< ShadowMapInfo >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Size, Size >
 Com::util::ArrayList< SizeType, SizeType >
 Com::util::ArrayList< SkeletonBone >
 Com::util::ArrayList< SoundBuffer * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< SoundFrame * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< SoundFrameInfo * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< SoundListenerID, SoundListenerID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< SoundObjectID, SoundObjectID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< SoundSceneID, SoundSceneID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< SoundSourceID, SoundSourceID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< SourceInfo * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< SpatialID, SpatialID >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Subview >
 Com::util::ArrayList< SystemInfo * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Tag * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Target >
 Com::util::ArrayList< TextEvent >
 Com::util::ArrayList< TextureAtlas >
 Com::util::ArrayList< ToolInfo * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< TrackInfo >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Triangle >
 Com::util::ArrayList< UInt32, UInt32 >
 Com::util::ArrayList< UTF8String >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Vector2f >
 Com::util::ArrayList< void * >
 Com::util::ArrayList< Worker * >
 Com::threads::Atomic< Size >
 Com::threads::Atomic< UInt32 >
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(const om::graphics::gui::base::GUIImage &image, const AABB2D< float > &bounds, renderers::om::graphics::gui::renderers::GUIRenderer &renderer)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(const om::lang::Shared< GraphicsContext > &)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(const om::resources::OpaqueResource &)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(const om::resources::OpaqueResource &resource)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::devices::GraphicsContextWindow &)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::devices::GraphicsContextWindow &, const om::math::VectorND &)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::ColorPicker &picker, const Color4f &newColor)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::GraphView &graphView, const om::gui::input::KeyEvent &keyEvent)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::GraphView &graphView, const om::gui::input::MouseButtonEvent &mouseButtonEvent)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::GraphView &graphView, const om::gui::input::MouseMotionEvent &mouseMotionEvent)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::GraphView &graphView, const om::gui::input::MouseWheelEvent &mouseWheelEvent)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::Knob &knob, Float newValue)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::Meter &meter, Float &newValue)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::NumberField &knob, Double newValue)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::ObjectView &objectView, const om::gui::input::GUIEvent &event)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::ObjectView &objectView, const om::gui::input::KeyEvent &event)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::ObjectView &objectView, const om::gui::input::MouseButtonEvent &event)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::ObjectView &objectView, const om::gui::input::MouseMotionEvent &event)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::ObjectView &objectView, const om::gui::input::MouseWheelEvent &event)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::ObjectView &objectView, const om::gui::input::TextEvent &event)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::RenderView &renderView, const om::gui::input::GUIEvent &event)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::RenderView &renderView, const om::gui::input::KeyEvent &event)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::RenderView &renderView, const om::gui::input::MouseButtonEvent &event)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::RenderView &renderView, const om::gui::input::MouseMotionEvent &event)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::RenderView &renderView, const om::gui::input::MouseWheelEvent &event)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::RenderView &renderView, const om::gui::input::TextEvent &event)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::RenderView &renderView, om::graphics::gui::renderers::GUIRenderer &renderer, const om::math::AABB3D &localBounds, const om::graphics::base::Viewport &viewport)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::Slider &slider, Double newValue)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::TabView &, Index tabIndex)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::TabView &, Index)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::TagView &, const UTF8String &tagText)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::TagView &, Index tagIndex)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::TextField &)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::TreeView &view, const Index *rows, Size numSelected) >
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::graphics::gui::objects::TreeView &view, Index rowIndex) >
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::gui::Application &application)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::gui::Application &application, const UTF8String *files, Size numFiles)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::gui::objects::OpenDialog &, const UTF8String &)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::gui::objects::SaveDialog &, const UTF8String &)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::gui::objects::TabView &, const Size2D &)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::gui::objects::TabView &, const Vector2i &)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::gui::objects::TabView &, Index)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::gui::objects::Window &)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::gui::objects::Window &, const Size2D &)>
 Com::lang::Function< Bool(om::gui::objects::Window &, const Vector2i &)>
 Com::lang::Function< om::editors::base::SpatialObject *(const GraphicsObject *graphics)>
 Com::lang::Function< Size(SoundDevice &device, SoundBuffer &outputBuffer, Size numOutputSamples, const Time &time)>
 Com::lang::Function< SoundFilter *(const PluginID &pluginID, void *userData)>
 Com::lang::Function< SoundFilterView *(const PluginID &pluginID, SoundFilter *filter, void *userData)>
 Com::lang::Function< SoundResult(SoundFrame &outputFrame, Size numSamples) >
 Com::lang::Function< SoundResult(SoundSource *source, SoundBuffer &buffer, const Time &time)>
 Com::lang::Function< void()>
 Com::lang::Function< void(const KeyEvent &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(const MouseButtonEvent &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(const MouseMotionEvent &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(const MouseWheelEvent &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(const om::graphics::renderers::SceneRenderRequest &sceneRenderRequest, const om::graphics::shapes::RenderRequest &renderRequest, om::graphics::shapes::RenderQueue &outputQueue)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(const om::lang::Shared< GraphicsContext > &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(const om::physics::collision::CollisionResult &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(const om::resources::OpaqueResource &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(const om::resources::OpaqueResource &resource)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(const om::time::Time &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(const om::xml::XMLSAXParser::Delegate &, const UTF8String &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(const om::xml::XMLSAXParser::Delegate &, const UTF8String &, const om::util::ArrayList< om::xml::XMLAttribute > &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(const Size2D &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(const TextEvent &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(Index channel, Index offset, Size numSamples, Sample32f *samples)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(MenuItem &item, const om::resources::ResourceTypeID &typeID)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(MIDIDevice &device, const MIDIBuffer &messages)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::editors::base::SpatialObject *spatial)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::devices::GraphicsContext &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::devices::GraphicsContext &, RenderView &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::devices::GraphicsContextWindow &, Bool)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::devices::GraphicsContextWindow &, const gui::input::KeyEvent &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::devices::GraphicsContextWindow &, const gui::input::MouseButtonEvent &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::devices::GraphicsContextWindow &, const gui::input::MouseMotionEvent &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::devices::GraphicsContextWindow &, const gui::input::MouseWheelEvent &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::devices::GraphicsContextWindow &, const gui::input::TextEvent &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::devices::GraphicsContextWindow &, const om::math::VectorND &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::devices::GraphicsContextWindow &, const om::time::Time &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::devices::GraphicsContextWindow &, om::graphics::devices::GraphicsContext &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::gui::objects::Button &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::gui::objects::ColorField &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::gui::objects::GraphView &graphView, Index seriesIndex, om::util::ArrayList< om::math::VectorND > &points)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::gui::objects::Knob &knob)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::gui::objects::NumberField &knob)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::gui::objects::ObjectView &objectView, Float dt)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::gui::objects::OptionMenu &menu)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::gui::objects::OptionMenu &menu, Index itemIndex)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::gui::objects::RenderView &renderView, Float dt)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::gui::objects::SearchField &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::gui::objects::Slider &slider)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::gui::objects::TabView &, Index userID)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::gui::objects::TabView &, Index)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::gui::objects::TextField &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::gui::objects::TreeView &view) >
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::graphics::gui::objects::TreeView &view, Index row, Index column) >
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::Application &application, Bool focus)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::Application &application, const input::om::gui::input::KeyEvent &event)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::Application &application, const input::om::gui::input::MouseButtonEvent &event)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::Application &application, const input::om::gui::input::MouseMotionEvent &event)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::Application &application, const input::om::gui::input::MouseWheelEvent &event)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::Application &application, const input::om::gui::input::TextEvent &event)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::Alert &, Index)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::Button &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::Menu &menu)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::Menu &menu, Index itemIndex)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::MenuItem &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::RenderView &, const input::om::gui::input::KeyEvent &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::RenderView &, const input::om::gui::input::MouseButtonEvent &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::RenderView &, const input::om::gui::input::MouseMotionEvent &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::RenderView &, const input::om::gui::input::MouseWheelEvent &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::RenderView &, const input::om::gui::input::TextEvent &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::RenderView &, const Size2D &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::RenderView &, const Vector2i &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::TabView &, Index)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::TabViewPage &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::TextField &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::Window &, Bool)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::Window &, const input::om::gui::input::KeyEvent &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::Window &, const input::om::gui::input::MouseButtonEvent &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::Window &, const input::om::gui::input::MouseMotionEvent &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::Window &, const input::om::gui::input::MouseWheelEvent &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::Window &, const input::om::gui::input::TextEvent &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::Window &, const Size2D &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::gui::objects::Window &, const Vector2i &)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::sound::devices::MIDIDevice &device)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::sound::devices::MIDIDeviceManager &manager, const om::sound::devices::MIDIDeviceID &deviceID)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::sound::devices::SoundDevice &device)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::sound::devices::SoundDevice &device, SampleRate newSampleRate)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(om::sound::devices::SoundDeviceManager &manager, const om::sound::devices::SoundDeviceID &deviceID)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(SoundDevice &device, const SoundBuffer &inputBuffer, Size numInputSamples, const Time &time)>
 Com::lang::Function< void(Vector3f &position, Vector3f &normal, Color4f &color)>
 Com::lang::internal::FunctionCallBase< R >
 Com::lang::internal::FunctionCallBase< R, T1 >
 Com::lang::internal::FunctionCallBase< R, T1, T2 >
 Com::lang::internal::FunctionCallBase< R, T1, T2, T3 >
 Com::lang::internal::FunctionCallBase< R, T1, T2, T3, T4 >
 Com::lang::internal::FunctionCallBase< R, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 >
 Com::lang::internal::FunctionCallBase< R, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 >
 Com::lang::internal::FunctionCallBase< R, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 >
 Com::lang::internal::FunctionCallBase< R, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 >
 Com::lang::internal::FunctionCallBase< R, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 >
 Com::util::HashMap< const Image *, TextureInfo * >
 Com::util::HashMap< const om::sound::filters::SoundFilter *, Node >
 Com::util::HashMap< const void *, Index >
 Com::util::HashMap< const void *, Index, PointerInt, PointerInt >
 Com::util::HashMap< EventType, EventTypeManager >
 Com::util::HashMap< Index, data::String >
 Com::util::HashMap< KeyCode, KeyCode >
 Com::util::HashMap< KeyCode, KeyState >
 Com::util::HashMap< LightCamera, om::graphics::textures::ShadowMap >
 Com::util::HashMap< MouseButtonCode, ButtonState >
 Com::util::HashMap< MouseButtonCode, MouseButtonCode >
 Com::util::HashMap< om::data::GenericString, Entry >
 Com::util::HashMap< om::engine::base::Scene *, SceneData >
 Com::util::HashMap< om::graphics::materials::TechniqueUsage, om::graphics::materials::Technique >
 Com::util::HashMap< om::images::base::ImageFormat, om::images::io::ImageTranscoder * >
 Com::util::HashMap< om::physics::constraints::ContactConstraint::ObjectPair, om::physics::constraints::ContactConstraint::ContactManifold * >
 Com::util::HashMap< om::resources::ResourceType, Index >
 Com::util::HashMap< om::resources::ResourceType, om::engine::base::OpaqueComponentSet * >
 Com::util::HashMap< om::resources::ResourceType, TypeManager * >
 Com::util::HashMap< om::resources::ResourceType, TypeTranscoderBase * >
 Com::util::HashMap< om::scripting::mir::lang::OperatorType, om::scripting::mir::lang::IDTableEntry >
 Com::util::HashMap< om::sound::base::SoundFormat, om::sound::io::SoundTranscoder * >
 Com::util::HashMap< om::sound::plugins::PluginID, PluginInfo * >
 Com::util::HashMap< ShaderSourceString, VariableIndex >
 Com::util::HashMap< SpatialID, CameraInfo *, SpatialID >
 Com::util::HashMap< String, om::scripting::mir::lang::IDTableEntry >
 Com::util::HashMap< UTF8String, FontFamily >
 Com::util::HashMap< void *, Node >
 Com::util::HashMap< void *, PointerInt, PointerInt, PointerInt >
 Com::util::HashMap< void *, ResourceInfo, PointerInt, PointerInt >
 Com::util::HashMap< void *, SpatialID, SpatialID, SpatialID >
 Com::math::Matrix< Index >
 Com::math::MatrixND< float, 3, 3 >
 Com::math::MatrixND< Real, 3, 3 >
 Com::math::MatrixND< Real, 4, 4 >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< Collider, 8, ColliderID, AlignedAllocator< 16 > >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< ConstraintInfo, 8, ConstraintID >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< EditorInfo, 1 >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< Force *, 8, ForceID >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< ForceField *, 8, ForceFieldID >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< Instance >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< ListenerInfo, 4, SoundListenerID >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< MassState, 8, PhysicsObjectID, AlignedAllocator< 16 > >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< Node >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< ObjectInfo, 4, SoundObjectID >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< ObjectState, 8, PhysicsObjectID, AlignedAllocator< 16 > >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< om::physics::constraints::ContactConstraint::Contact, 8, ContactID, om::util::AlignedAllocator< 16 > >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< om::physics::constraints::ContactConstraint::ContactManifold, 8, ManifoldID >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< om::sound::acoustics::contexts::AcousticPairResult >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< OrganizerColumn, 3 >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< ResourceInfo, 3, PointerInt >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< ResourceRow, 5, PointerInt >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< SceneInfo, 1, SoundSceneID >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< SceneInfo, 4, PhysicsSceneID >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< SoundBuffer, 3 >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< SoundFrame, 3 >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< SourceInfo, 4, SoundSourceID >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< SpatialResource, 5, SpatialID >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< TransformState, 8, PhysicsObjectID, AlignedAllocator< 16 > >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< TypeRow, 3 >
 Com::util::ObjectPool< VelocityState, 8, PhysicsObjectID, AlignedAllocator< 16 > >
 Com::compression::CompressionSettingsA class that contains settings for how data should be compressed
 Com::data::Buffer< T >An array-based buffer class
 Com::data::DataA class that represents an immutable array of unsigned byte data
 Com::data::DataBufferA buffer class used to accumulate an opaque array of unsigned bytes
 Com::data::DataStoreA HashMap-based data structure which associates string keys with values of different types
 Com::data::EndiannessA class that describes a byte ordering format and provides endian conversion to/from that format
 Com::data::GenericString< CharType >A string class supporting unicode and ASCII character sets
 Com::data::GenericStringBuffer< CharType >A class that contains a buffer of characters of templated type
 Com::data::GenericStringIterator< CharType >Declaration for a string iterator which iterates over strings with the specified character type
 Com::data::GenericStringIterator< Char >A class that iterates over ASCII character strings
 Com::data::GenericStringIterator< UTF16Char >A class that iterates over UTF-16 encoded character strings
 Com::data::GenericStringIterator< UTF32Char >A class that iterates over UTF-32 encoded character strings
 Com::data::GenericStringIterator< UTF8Char >A class that iterates over UTF-8 encoded character strings
 Com::data::HashCodeA class that is used to represent and compute hash codes for arbitrary data
 Com::editors::base::EditorImagesA class that stores the user preferences for a collection of resource type editors
 Com::editors::base::EditorModuleA class that encapsulates a collection of related ResourceTypeEditorManager objects
 Com::editors::base::EditorPreferencesA class that stores the user preferences for a collection of resource type editors
 Com::editors::base::EditorServicesA class that contains external services that a resource editor uses
 Com::editors::base::EditorTypeFlagsA class that encapsulates the different boolean flags that an editor type can have
 Com::editors::base::ResourceEditorManagerAn interface for classes that manage editors for arbitrary resource types
 Com::editors::base::ResourceTypeEditorAn interface for classes that use a GUI to edit an instance of a resource type
 Com::editors::base::ResourceTypeEditor::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve resource type editor events
 Com::editors::base::ResourceTypeEditorFactoryAn interface for classes that creates editors for a resource type
 Com::editors::base::SpatialObjectAn interface that provides a spatial representation for a resource object
 Com::editors::base::SpatialObjectFlagsA class that encapsulates the different boolean flags that an spatial object can have
 Com::editors::base::TypeMenuA class that manages a hierarchical menu organized by resource categories, types, and subtypes
 Com::editors::base::TypeMenu::DelegateA class that contains callback functions that respond to type menu events
 Com::editors::views::ConnectionView::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve ConnectionView events
 Com::editors::views::OrganizerView::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve OrganizerView events
 Com::editors::views::OrganizerView::FlagsA class that contains flags for an organizer view
 Com::editors::views::ResourceField::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve ResourceField events
 Com::editors::views::ResourcePicker::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve ResourcePicker events
 Com::editors::views::SequencerView::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve SequencerView events
 Com::editors::views::SpaceView::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve SpaceView events
 Com::editors::views::SpaceView::Tool::DelegateA class that contains callback functions for a space view tool that are registered to the space view
 Com::engine::base::ComponentSet< T >A class that manages a templated type of components for an engine context
 Com::engine::base::ConnectionAn object that represents a data connection between entity components
 Com::engine::base::ConnectionFlagsA class that specifies boolean flags for how two connected objects interact
 Com::engine::base::ConnectionManagerA class that manages the sequential processing of data-flow connections between arbitrary objects
 Com::engine::base::ConnectorAn interface for connectors that interface between arbitrary object types and known connector types
 Com::engine::base::ConnectorFlagsA class that specifies boolean flags for how two connected objects interact
 Com::engine::base::EngineContextA collection of EngineSystem objects that operate on a set of abstract entities and their components
 Com::engine::base::EngineSystemAn interface for objects that operate on the entities and components of an EngineContext
 Com::engine::base::Event< ValueType >A class that stores information about an engine event
 Com::engine::base::Event< void >A class that stores information about an engine event
 Com::engine::base::EventManagerBaseThe base class for objects that manage events for an engine context
 Com::engine::base::InstanceContextA class that manages creation of object instances within an engine
 Com::engine::base::OpaqueComponentSetA class that manages a single type of opaque components for an engine context
 Com::engine::base::PlaybackA class that contains playback settings for a time sequence of multimedia data
 Com::engine::base::PlaybackFlagsA class that stores different boolean parameters for multimedia playback
 Com::engine::base::SceneA class that represents a spatial multimedia scene that contains arbitrary resource types
 Com::engine::base::SceneContextAn interface for classes that operate on a specific Scene
 Com::engine::base::SceneContextFactoryA factory interface that creates classes that operate on scenes
 Com::engine::base::SequenceA class that represents a generic time sequence of multimedia data
 Com::engine::base::SequencerA class that manages the playback of arbitrary time sequences of multimedia data
 Com::engine::base::SequencerTrackAn interface for objects that handle playback of a specific type of time sequence
 Com::engine::base::SystemTypeA class that enumerates the different standard engine system types
 Com::engine::base::TrajectoryA class that stores a 3D transformation and velocity information for a moving object
 Com::engine::SimpleDemoA simple demo application with a single window, basic key/mouse input, and drawing
 Com::engine::SimpleDemo::DelegateA class that represents a set of delegate methods for demo event handling
 Com::engine::sound::MIDIDeviceBusA class that represents a bus for MIDI device data
 Com::engine::sound::SoundBusA class that represents a set of sound inputs and outputs for a module
 Com::engine::sound::SoundDeviceBusA class that represents a arbitrary group of sound device channels that are multiplexed into a sound stream
 Com::engine::sound::SoundNodeA base class for objects that process audio in an audio processing graph
 Com::fs::FileSystemNodeA class that represents the interface for a node within the global file system
 Com::fs::PathA class representing a path to a file or directory in the local file system (not networked, etc)
 Com::graphics::base::AttributeTypeA class that represents the type of a shader attribute
 Com::graphics::base::AttributeValueA class that is used to store the value of a shader attribute of scalar, vector, or matrix types
 Com::graphics::base::BlendFactorA class that specifies the scale factor applied to a source or destination color when blending
 Com::graphics::base::BlendFunctionA class that specifies an operation performed between the source and destination colors when blending
 Com::graphics::base::BlendModeA class that specifies how blending should be performed between a source and destination fragment
 Com::graphics::base::BoundingConeA class that represents a bounding cone for a spot light's area of effect
 Com::graphics::base::DepthModeA class that specifies how the depth buffer should be updated when drawing
 Com::graphics::base::DepthTestA class that specifies the operation performed when testing a new depth fragment
 Com::graphics::base::RasterModeA class that specifies the way that geometry is rasterized
 Com::graphics::base::RenderableFlagsA class that encapsulates the different boolean flags that a renderable object can have
 Com::graphics::base::RenderFlagsA class that encapsulates different boolean parameters for a rendering operation
 Com::graphics::base::RenderModeA class that specifies the configuration of the fixed-function rendering pipeline
 Com::graphics::base::RenderModeMaskA class that specifies a boolean mask for different attributes of a RenderMode
 Com::graphics::base::RenderPassAn enum class that specifies the set of possible rendering passes
 Com::graphics::base::ScissorTestA class that specifies the configuration of the scissor test clipping pipeline
 Com::graphics::base::StencilActionA class that specifies the operation performed when updating a stencil buffer
 Com::graphics::base::StencilModeA class that specifies how the stencil buffer should be updated
 Com::graphics::base::StencilTestA class that specifies the operation performed when testing a new stencil fragment
 Com::graphics::base::TransformableA base class for objects that have a 3D transformation from object to world space
 Com::graphics::base::ViewportA class that represents a rectangular axis-aligned portion of the screen which should be rendered to
 Com::graphics::base::ViewVolumeA class that represents a visible region of space
 Com::graphics::buffers::BufferAccessTypeA class that specifies the allowed type of access to a Buffer
 Com::graphics::buffers::BufferTypeA class that specifies a kind of Buffer and how it is used
 Com::graphics::buffers::BufferUsageA class that specifies how an attribute buffer should be used
 Com::graphics::buffers::IndexedPrimitiveTypeA class that is used to specify the type of an indexed primitive
 Com::graphics::buffers::IndexRangeA class that specifies a range of primitives to render from either a vertex or index buffer
 Com::graphics::buffers::VertexUsageA class that specifies how a vertex attribute is semantically used for rendering
 Com::graphics::cameras::CameraControllerA class that controls the motion of an attached camera relative to a point of interest
 Com::graphics::cameras::CameraFlagsA class that encapsulates the different boolean flags that a camera can have
 Com::graphics::cameras::CameraTypeA class that encapsulates a type for a Camera
 Com::graphics::cameras::ProjectionTypeA class that enumerates the different types of 3D->2D viewing projections
 Com::graphics::devices::DeviceResourceA class that represents the base class for a hardware-based graphics device resource
 Com::graphics::devices::DownloadRequestA class specifies additional parameters for downloading data from a graphics context
 Com::graphics::devices::GraphicsContextA class that represents an instance of a graphics device renderer
 Com::graphics::devices::GraphicsContextCapabilitiesA class that encapsulates the different capabilities that a graphics context can have
 Com::graphics::devices::GraphicsContextFlagsA class that encapsulates the different flags that a graphics context can have
 Com::graphics::devices::GraphicsContextObjectThe base class for objects that use a graphics context to do rendering
 Com::graphics::devices::GraphicsContextRendererA class that facilitates creation of a graphics rendering context that renders to one or more gui::RenderView
 Com::graphics::devices::GraphicsContextRenderer::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve context renderer events
 Com::graphics::devices::GraphicsContextWindow::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve context window events
 Com::graphics::devices::GraphicsDeviceA class that represents an interface to a graphics device driver
 Com::graphics::devices::GraphicsDeviceManagerA class that enumerates the available graphics devices for this system
 Com::graphics::devices::GraphicsDeviceTypeA class that enumerates the different possible types of GraphicsDevice that may exist
 Com::graphics::devices::RenderedPixelFormatA class that describes the attributes of a framebuffer pixel format when creating a GraphicsContext
 Com::graphics::devices::TransferFlagsA class that specifies the boolean flags for transfering data to/from a graphics context
 Com::graphics::devices::UploadRequestA class specifies additional parameters for uploading data to a graphics context
 Com::graphics::gui::base::AxisA class that represents a cartesian axis direction
 Com::graphics::gui::base::BorderA class that describes information about the border for a rectangular region
 Com::graphics::gui::base::BorderTypeA class that represents the type of visual appearance of a rectangular border
 Com::graphics::gui::base::GUIImageA class that represents a rectangular region containing an image drawn by an arbitrary process
 Com::graphics::gui::base::GUIImage::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve GUIImage events
 Com::graphics::gui::base::MarginA class that represents a 4-sided margin for a rectangular GUI object
 Com::graphics::gui::base::OriginA class that represents the location of the origin of a GUI rectangle coordinate system
 Com::graphics::gui::base::RectangleA class that represents a rectangle positioned relative to a parent bounding box origin
 Com::graphics::gui::base::RectangleStyleA class that describes the visual style of a rectangular GUI region
 Com::graphics::gui::base::ValueCurveA class that represents the scaling curve to use when displaying a value
 Com::graphics::gui::fonts::FontA class that acts as an interface to a single text style
 Com::graphics::gui::fonts::FontIDA class that describes information about an installed font file, such as its name and file path
 Com::graphics::gui::fonts::FontManagerA class that allows the user to enumerate and search through the installed system fonts
 Com::graphics::gui::fonts::FontMetricsA class that describes sizing information for a particular Font
 Com::graphics::gui::fonts::GlyphLayoutA class that stores the bounding boxes of glyphs that have the same text style
 Com::graphics::gui::fonts::GlyphMetricsA class that describes sizing information about a particular font glyph
 Com::graphics::gui::fonts::TextFlagsA class that encapsulates the different boolean flags that text can have
 Com::graphics::gui::fonts::TextLayoutA class that describes the layout direction and major axis of text
 Com::graphics::gui::fonts::TextStyleA class that describes how a style of text should be displayed
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::Button::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve button events
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::ButtonFlagsA class that encapsulates the different boolean flags that a button can have
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::ColorField::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve color field events
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::ColorPicker::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve ColorPicker events
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::GraphView::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve GraphView events
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::GraphViewAxisA class that stores information about a single graph axis
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::GUIObjectFlagsA class that encapsulates the different boolean flags that a GUI object can have
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::Knob::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve Knob events
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::Meter::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve Meter events
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::NumberField::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve NumberField events
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::ObjectView::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve ObjectView events
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::OptionMenu::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve option menu events
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::RenderView::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve RenderView events
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::SearchField::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve SearchField events
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::Slider::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve Slider events
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::TabView::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve TabView events
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::TabView::PageFlagsA class that contains flags for a page in a tab view
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::TabView::PageInfoAn object that contains information about a page in a tab view
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::TagView::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve TagView events
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::TextField::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve text field events
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::TreeView::ColumnFlagsA class that contains flags for a column in a tree view
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::TreeView::ColumnInfoAn object that contains information for a tree view column
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::TreeView::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve TreeView events
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::TreeView::RowFlagsA class that contains flags for a row in a tree view
 Com::graphics::gui::objects::TreeView::RowInfoAn object that contains information for a tree view row
 Com::graphics::gui::renderers::GlyphTextureCacheA class that caches glyph textures for text rendering
 Com::graphics::gui::renderers::GlyphTextureCache::GlyphTextureA class that stores the texture and UV coordinates of a single glyph
 Com::graphics::gui::renderers::GUIRendererA class that handles drawing GUI objects using a graphics rendering context
 Com::graphics::gui::renderers::ImageTextureCacheA class that caches glyph textures for text rendering
 Com::graphics::gui::renderers::ImageTextureCache::GlyphTextureA class that stores the texture and UV coordinates of a single glyph
 Com::graphics::materials::ConstantBindingDataA class that stores the input constant data for a shader program
 Com::graphics::materials::ConstantSetA class that stores a collection of shader constants with their associated usages
 Com::graphics::materials::ConstantUsageA class that specifies how a constant is semantically used for rendering
 Com::graphics::materials::ConstantVariableA class that provides a desciption of a constant shader input variable
 Com::graphics::materials::ShaderBindingA class used to represent the binding between a shader variable name and information about its usage
 Com::graphics::materials::ShaderBindingDataA class that stores the input data for a shader program
 Com::graphics::materials::ShaderBindingFlagsA class that encapsulates the different flags that a shader binding can have
 Com::graphics::materials::ShaderBindingSetA class that contains a collection of named shader bindings, their semantic usages, and their values
 Com::graphics::materials::ShaderConfigurationA class that contains a compile-time configuration for an instance of a shader program
 Com::graphics::materials::ShaderLanguageA class that specifies a particular type and version of a shading language
 Com::graphics::materials::ShaderLanguageVersionA class that represents the version number of a shader language
 Com::graphics::materials::ShaderParameterA class that contains the entire state for a shader parameter
 Com::graphics::materials::ShaderParameterFlagsA class that encapsulates the different flags that a shader paramter can have
 Com::graphics::materials::ShaderParameterInfoA class that specifies information about a shader parameter
 Com::graphics::materials::ShaderParameterUsageA class that specifies the semantic usage for a shader parameter
 Com::graphics::materials::ShaderParameterValueA class that stores a value for a shader parameter
 Com::graphics::materials::ShaderProgramA class that contains all information necessary to do a single rendering pass
 Com::graphics::materials::ShaderProgramLibraryA library which contains ShaderProgram objects for different TechniqueUsage types
 Com::graphics::materials::ShaderProgramSourceA class that represents the interface for a hardware-executed shading program
 Com::graphics::materials::ShaderSourceA class that contains the source code for a shader
 Com::graphics::materials::ShaderTypeA class that specifies a kind of Shader
 Com::graphics::materials::TechniqueUsageA class that represents the semantic usage for a Technique
 Com::graphics::materials::TextureBindingDataA class that stores the texture data for a shader program
 Com::graphics::materials::TextureVariableA class that represents a shader texture input variable
 Com::graphics::materials::VertexBindingDataA class that stores the input vertex data for a shader program
 Com::graphics::materials::VertexVariableA class that provides a desciption of a per-vertex shader input variable
 Com::graphics::renderers::RendererA class that serves as a basic interface for a high-level graphcs renderer
 Com::graphics::renderers::SceneRenderer::DelegateA class that contains function objects that respond to scene renderer events
 Com::graphics::renderers::SceneRenderFlagsA class that encapsulates the different boolean flags that a scene renderer can have
 Com::graphics::renderers::SceneRenderRequestA class that specifies how a camera viewport in a scene should be drawn
 Com::graphics::renderers::ShadowMapRendererA class that manages a set of cached shadow maps that it renders
 Com::graphics::shapes::MeshChunkA class that contains all information needed to draw a chunk of geometry
 Com::graphics::shapes::RenderQueueA class that contains all of the data needed to perform a rendering pass for a graphics scene
 Com::graphics::shapes::RenderRequestA class that specifies parameters for how a renderable object should be rendered
 Com::graphics::shapes::ShapeTypeA class that encapsulates a type for a Shape
 Com::graphics::shapes::SkeletonA class that describes a hierarchy of bones with corresponding transformations
 Com::graphics::shapes::Skeleton::BoneA class that stores information about a bone that makes up a skeleton
 Com::graphics::shapes::SubdivisionShape::SubdivisionA class that stores a subdivision and its data for a subdivision shape
 Com::graphics::shapes::TransformControl::DOFA class containing the degrees of freedom that a transform control supports
 Com::graphics::textures::FramebufferAttachmentA class that specifies how a texture should be attached to a Framebuffer
 Com::graphics::textures::ShadowMapA class that stores a shadow map texture and shadow map texture matrix for that texture
 Com::graphics::textures::TextureFaceA class that represents a particular face of a texture
 Com::graphics::textures::TextureFilterA class that specifies how texture should be magnified or reduced in size
 Com::graphics::textures::TextureFlagsA class that encapsulates the different flags that a texture can have
 Com::graphics::textures::TextureFormatA class that represents the internal format for a texture
 Com::graphics::textures::TextureTypeA class that specifies the high-level type of a texture
 Com::graphics::textures::TextureUsageA class that specifies how a texture is semantically used for rendering
 Com::graphics::textures::TextureWrapTypeA class that specifies how a texture should repeat for texture coordinates outside the range (0,1)
 Com::gui::ApplicationA class that serves as an interface to the main application state and event thread
 Com::gui::Application::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve application events
 Com::gui::input::GUIEventA class that represents a high-level GUI event that has occurred
 Com::gui::input::InputHandlerAn interface for objects that recieve user input events
 Com::gui::input::KeyA class that represents a single key on a keyboard
 Com::gui::input::KeyboardA class that stores the state of a virtual keyboard input device
 Com::gui::input::KeyCodeMapA class that maps from one set of key codes to another
 Com::gui::input::KeyEventA class that encapsulates an event that occurrs whenever a key's state is changed
 Com::gui::input::KeyShortcutA class that represents a keyboard shortcut, usually for a menu item
 Com::gui::input::ModifiersA class that stores the different boolean modifier flags that a GUI event can have
 Com::gui::input::MouseA class that stores the state of a virtual mouse input device
 Com::gui::input::MouseButtonA class representing a mouse button
 Com::gui::input::MouseButtonCodeMapA class that maps from one set of mouse button codes to another
 Com::gui::input::MouseButtonEventA class representing a button press or release event
 Com::gui::input::MouseMotionEventAn event object representing the movement of a mouse input device
 Com::gui::input::MouseWheelEventAn event class representing the motion of a mouse's scroll wheel input device
 Com::gui::input::TextEventA class that represents an event that occurrs whenever a user enters text data
 Com::gui::objects::Alert::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve alert events
 Com::gui::objects::Button::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve button events
 Com::gui::objects::GUIObjectA class that serves as the superclass for all OS-specific GUI elements
 Com::gui::objects::Menu::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve menu events
 Com::gui::objects::MenuItem::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve menu item events
 Com::gui::objects::OpenDialog::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve open dialog events
 Com::gui::objects::RenderView::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve RenderView events
 Com::gui::objects::SaveDialog::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve save dialog events
 Com::gui::objects::TabView::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve TabView events
 Com::gui::objects::TabViewPage::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve tab view page events
 Com::gui::objects::TextField::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve text field events
 Com::gui::objects::Window::DelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve window events
 Com::images::base::ChannelInfoA class storing information about a channel of an image
 Com::images::base::ChannelTypeA class representing the type of an image chnanel
 Com::images::base::Color3D< T >A template class representing a 3-component color
 Com::images::base::Color4D< T >A template class representing a 4-component color
 Com::images::base::ColorSpaceA class that describes the space where color is represented in an image
 Com::images::base::ImageA class that stores packed pixel data for images with an arbitrary number of dimensions
 Com::images::base::ImageBufferA class that contains a floating-point representation of an image that is used for efficient accurate image processing
 Com::images::base::ImageFormatAn enum class representing the different kinds of image encoding formats
 Com::images::base::ImageFormatFlagsA class that stores different boolean parameters for image formats
 Com::images::base::ImageFormatSettingsA class that specifies common settings for image formats
 Com::images::base::ImageFrameA class that provides all of the information needed for an ImageFilter to process image data
 Com::images::base::PixelFormatA class that describes the storage format for an image pixel
 Com::images::filters::ImageFilterA class that does processing on input images and produces output images
 Com::images::io::ImageConverterA class that handles encoding and decoding image data to/from various formats
 Com::io::BinaryFormatA class that stores the global format parameters of a binary file
 Com::io::DataInputStreamA class/interface which represents an abstract read-only stream of data
 Com::io::DataOutputStreamA class/interface which represents an abstract write-only stream of data
 Com::io::StringInputStreamA class that abstracts a source for a stream of character information
 Com::io::StringOutputStreamA class that abstracts a destination for a stream of character information
 Com::lang::AnyA class that is able to store and retrieve a value of any arbitrary type in an opaque manner
 Com::lang::Function< Signature >Prototype for the function object template class
 Com::lang::Function< R() >Specialization of the function template class for a method with 0 parameters
 Com::lang::Function< R(T1) >Specialization of the function template class for a method with 1 parameter
 Com::lang::Function< R(T1, T2) >Specialization of the function template class for a method with 2 parameters
 Com::lang::Function< R(T1, T2, T3) >Specialization of the function template class for a method with 3 parameters
 Com::lang::Function< R(T1, T2, T3, T4) >Specialization of the function template class for a method with 4 parameters
 Com::lang::Function< R(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) >Specialization of the function template class for a method with 5 parameters
 Com::lang::Function< R(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) >Specialization of the function template class for a method with 6 parameters
 Com::lang::Function< R(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) >Specialization of the function template class for a method with 7 parameters
 Com::lang::Function< R(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) >Specialization of the function template class for a method with 8 parameters
 Com::lang::Function< R(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9) >Specialization of the function template class for a method with 8 parameters
 Com::lang::Function< R(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10) >Specialization of the function template class for a method with 10 parameters
 Com::lang::FunctionCall< Signature >Prototype for the function call object template class
 Com::lang::HalfFloatA class that emulates a 16-bit floating-point number
 Com::lang::internal::FunctionCallBase< R, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10 >
 Com::lang::Optional< T >A class that is used to store a value that may or may not be set
 Com::lang::Optional< void >A 'void' specialization for the Optional class that is provided so that the class works for void types
 Com::lang::Shared< T >A class that implements a reference-counted thread-safe shared pointer
 Com::lang::Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 >
 Com::lang::Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, Void >
 Com::lang::Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, Void, Void >
 Com::lang::Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, Void, Void, Void >
 Com::lang::Tuple< T1, T2, T3, Void, Void, Void, Void >
 Com::lang::Tuple< T1, T2, Void, Void, Void, Void, Void >
 Com::lang::Tuple< T1, Void, Void, Void, Void, Void, Void >
 Com::lang::TupleIndex< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, index >
 Com::lang::TupleIndex< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, 0 >
 Com::lang::TupleIndex< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, 1 >
 Com::lang::TupleIndex< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, 2 >
 Com::lang::TupleIndex< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, 3 >
 Com::lang::TupleIndex< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, 4 >
 Com::lang::TupleIndex< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, 5 >
 Com::lang::TupleIndex< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, 6 >
 Com::lang::TypeA class that represents a C++ type
 Com::lang::Unique< T >A class that implements a unique pointer that has a single owner
 Com::lang::UserDataA class that wraps opaque client data that represents a pointer or an integer
 Com::math::AABB1D< T >A class that represents a range of values in 1D space
 Com::math::AABB2D< T >A class that represents a range of values in 2D space
 Com::math::AABB3D< T >A class that represents a range of values in 3D space
 Com::math::Complex< T >A class that represents a complex number
 Com::math::Edge< VertexType >
 Com::math::ExponentialDistribution< T >A class that generates an exponential probability distribution for the templated type
 Com::math::ExponentialDistribution< double >A class that generates an exponential probability distribution for 64-bit floats
 Com::math::ExponentialDistribution< float >A class that generates an exponential probability distribution for 32-bit floats
 Com::math::FFTA class that implements a fast fourier transform for a specific power-of-two FFT size
 Com::math::Fixed< BaseType, fractionalBits >A class that represents a fixed-point number
 Com::math::InterpolationA class that enumerates the different types of sampled function interpolation
 Com::math::Matrix< T >A class that represents a matrix of an arbitrary number of rows and columns
 Com::math::Matrix< T >::LeastSquares
 Com::math::Matrix< T >::QR
 Com::math::MatrixND< T, numRows, numColumns >A class that represents a matrix of a fixed arbitrary number of rows and columns
 Com::math::MatrixND< T, 2, 2 >A class that represents a 2x2 matrix
 Com::math::MatrixND< T, 3, 3 >A class that represents a 3x3 matrix
 Com::math::MatrixND< T, 4, 4 >A class that represents a 4x4 matrix
 Com::math::NormalDistribution< T >A class that generates a normal (gaussian) probability distribution for the templated type
 Com::math::NormalDistribution< double >A class that generates a normal (gaussian) probability distribution for 64-bit floats
 Com::math::NormalDistribution< float >A class that generates a normal (gaussian) probability distribution for 32-bit floats
 Com::math::Plane2D< T >A class that represents a plane in 2D space
 Com::math::Plane3D< T >A class that represents a plane in 3D space
 Com::math::PoissonDistribution< T >A class that generates a Poisson probability distribution
 Com::math::Quaternion4D< T >A templatized math class representing a 4-component quaternion
 Com::math::Random< T, RNG >A class representing a random number generator for the templated data type
 Com::math::Random< T, RNG >::State
 Com::math::Ray2D< T >A class that represents a ray in 2D space
 Com::math::Ray3D< T >A class that represents a ray in 3D space
 Com::math::RNGOutput< numBytes >
 Com::math::RNGOutput< 1 >
 Com::math::RNGOutput< 2 >
 Com::math::RNGOutput< 4 >
 Com::math::RNGOutput< 8 >
 Com::math::ScalarTypeA class that represents a type of scalar math value
 Com::math::SHA class that contains functions that evaluate spherical harmonics at arbitrary order
 Com::math::SHExpansion< T >A class that stores a spherical harmonic expansion of a template (possibly vector) type
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, order >Template prototype for functions that compute a spherical harmonic expansion for a fixed order
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, 0 >A class containing functions that evaluate spherical harmonics of order 0
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, 1 >A class containing functions that evaluate spherical harmonics of order 1
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, 10 >A class containing functions that evaluate spherical harmonics of order 10
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, 11 >A class containing functions that evaluate spherical harmonics of order 11
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, 12 >A class containing functions that evaluate spherical harmonics of order 12
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, 13 >A class containing functions that evaluate spherical harmonics of order 13
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, 14 >A class containing functions that evaluate spherical harmonics of order 14
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, 15 >A class containing functions that evaluate spherical harmonics of order 15
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, 16 >A class containing functions that evaluate spherical harmonics of order 16
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, 17 >A class containing functions that evaluate spherical harmonics of order 17
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, 18 >A class containing functions that evaluate spherical harmonics of order 18
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, 19 >A class containing functions that evaluate spherical harmonics of order 19
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, 2 >A class containing functions that evaluate spherical harmonics of order 2
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, 20 >A class containing functions that evaluate spherical harmonics of order 20
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, 3 >A class containing functions that evaluate spherical harmonics of order 3
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, 4 >A class containing functions that evaluate spherical harmonics of order 4
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, 5 >A class containing functions that evaluate spherical harmonics of order 5
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, 6 >A class containing functions that evaluate spherical harmonics of order 6
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, 7 >A class containing functions that evaluate spherical harmonics of order 7
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, 8 >A class containing functions that evaluate spherical harmonics of order 8
 Com::math::SHOrder< U, T, 9 >A class containing functions that evaluate spherical harmonics of order 9
 Com::math::SHProjectionA class that stores parameters for projecting a function into the spherical harmonic basis
 Com::math::SIMDAABB3D< T, width >
 Com::math::SIMDAABB3D< T, 4 >A class that represents a set of 3D vectors stored in a SIMD-compatible format
 Com::math::SIMDArray< T, width >The prototype for the SIMDArray class for wide SIMD operations
 Com::math::SIMDArray< Float32, width >A class representing an N-component 32-bit floating-point SIMD scalar
 Com::math::SIMDArray< Int32, width >A class representing an N-component 32-bit signed-integer SIMD scalar
 Com::math::SIMDFlagsA class that contains flags that specify the type of SIMD operations supported
 Com::math::SIMDPlane3D< T, dimension >A template prototype declaration for the SIMDPlane3D class
 Com::math::SIMDPlane3D< T, 4 >A specialization for the SIMDPlane3D class that has a SIMD width of 4
 Com::math::SIMDRay3D< T, width >
 Com::math::SIMDRay3D< T, 4 >A class that represents a set of 3D rays stored in a SIMD-compatible format
 Com::math::SIMDScalar< T, width >The prototype for the SIMDScalar class
 Com::math::SIMDScalar< Float32, 4 >A class representing a 4-component 32-bit floating-point SIMD scalar
 Com::math::SIMDScalar< Float64, 2 >A class representing a 2-component 64-bit floating-point SIMD scalar
 Com::math::SIMDScalar< Int16, 8 >A class representing a 8-component 16-bit signed-integer SIMD scalar
 Com::math::SIMDScalar< Int32, 4 >A class representing a 4-component 32-bit signed-integer SIMD scalar
 Com::math::SIMDScalar< Int64, 2 >A class representing a 2-component 64-bit signed integer SIMD scalar
 Com::math::SIMDTriangle3D< T, dimension >A template prototype declaration for the SIMDAABB3D class
 Com::math::SIMDTriangle3D< T, 4 >A specialization for the SIMDTriangle3D class that has a SIMD width of 4
 Com::math::SIMDType< T >A class that contains a way to access various global properties of SIMD processing
 Com::math::SIMDType< Float32 >A class that contains attributes for Float32-typed SIMDScalar processing
 Com::math::SIMDType< Float64 >A class that contains attributes for Float64-typed SIMDScalar processing
 Com::math::SIMDType< Int32 >A class that contains attributes for Int32-typed SIMDScalar processing
 Com::math::SIMDType< Int64 >A class that contains attributes for Int32-typed SIMDScalar processing
 Com::math::SIMDVector3D< T, width >
 Com::math::SIMDVector3D< T, 4 >A class that represents a set of 3D vectors stored in a SIMD-compatible format
 Com::math::Sphere2D< T >A class that represents a sphere in 2D space (a circle)
 Com::math::Sphere3D< T >A class that represents a sphere in 3D space
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, dimension, i0, i1 >A class that is used to implement arbitrary vector permutations
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, dimension, i0, i0 >A class that is used to implement arbitrary vector permutations
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, dimension, i0, i1, i2 >A class that is used to implement arbitrary vector permutations
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, dimension, i0, i0, i0 >A class that is used to implement arbitrary vector permutations
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, dimension, i0, i1, i1 >A class that is used to implement arbitrary vector permutations
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, dimension, i1, i0, i1 >A class that is used to implement arbitrary vector permutations
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, dimension, i1, i1, i0 >A class that is used to implement arbitrary vector permutations
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, dimension, i0, i1, i2, i3 >A class that is used to implement arbitrary vector permutations
 Com::math::TensorA class that stores a generalized mathematical value of arbitrary dimension and type
 Com::math::TensorTypeA class that represents the type of a general math tensor
 Com::math::Transform2D< T >A class that represents a 2-dimensional transformation
 Com::math::Transform3D< T >A class that represents a 3-dimensional transformation
 Com::math::Triangle< VertexType >
 Com::math::UniformDistribution< T >A class that represents a uniform probability distribution of the templated type
 Com::math::VectorND< T, dimension >A class that represents a vector of a fixed arbitrary number of components
 Com::math::VectorND< T, 2 >A class that represents a 2-dimensional point or vector
 Com::math::VectorND< T, 3 >A class that represents a 3-dimensional point or vector
 Com::math::VectorND< T, 4 >A templatized math class representing a 4-dimensional vector
 Com::math::Xoroshiro128< numBytes >An implementation of the Xoroshiro128+ pseudorandom number generator
 Com::physics::base::ConvexHullA class that represents a convex polyhedron with triangular faces
 Com::physics::base::MassStateA class that represents the mass information of a 3D object
 Com::physics::base::ObjectFlagsA class that encapsulates the different boolean flags that a physics object can have
 Com::physics::base::ObjectStateA class that represents a 3D object with transformation, velocity, and mass
 Com::physics::base::PhysicsIntegratorA class that specifies how a simulation state is numerically integrated forward in time
 Com::physics::base::PhysicsMaterialA class that describes the physical and simulated properties of a type of material
 Com::physics::base::TransformStateA class that represents the transformation of a 3D object in space
 Com::physics::base::VelocityStateA class that represents the velocity information of a 3D object
 Com::physics::collision::ColliderA class that represents moving geometry that can collide with other geometry
 Com::physics::collision::CollisionAlgorithmThe base class for objects that detect collisions between shapes
 Com::physics::collision::CollisionBroadphaseAn interface for classes that determine potentially colliding pairs of objects in a scene
 Com::physics::collision::CollisionFlagsA class that encapsulates the different boolean flags that collision detection can have
 Com::physics::collision::CollisionListenerAn interface for objects that receive collision events
 Com::physics::collision::CollisionNarrowphaseA class that sorts pairs of potentially colliding shapes to the associated collision algorithms
 Com::physics::collision::CollisionPairA class that represents a pair of potentially colliding objects
 Com::physics::collision::CollisionPointA class that stores information about a point of collision between two shapes
 Com::physics::collision::CollisionRequestA class that contains parameters for how collision detection should be done
 Com::physics::collision::CollisionResultA class that represents the result of a collision query between two objects
 Com::physics::collision::CollisionResultSetA class that stores a set of results for multiple collision queries
 Com::physics::collision::EPAResultA class that holds the results of the EPA algorithm
 Com::physics::collision::EPASolverA class that iteratively refines a GJK simplex to approximate the shape surface at the collision point
 Com::physics::collision::GJKSolverA class that iteratively refines a 4-point simplex to determine if two convex shapes intersect
 Com::physics::collision::MeshSolverA class that determines the overlap between a mesh and another shape type
 Com::physics::collision::MinkowskiVertexA class that represents a point on the minkowski difference between two shapes
 Com::physics::constraints::ConstraintRequestA class that contains parameters for how constraint solving should be done
 Com::physics::constraints::ConstraintTypeA class that represents the type of a Constraint object
 Com::physics::constraints::ContactConstraint::ContactA class that stores data about a single constraint contact point
 Com::physics::constraints::ContactConstraint::ContactManifoldAn object that stores a set of contact points between two objects
 Com::physics::constraints::ContactConstraint::ContactMaterialClass that contains the combined material properties of two objects at a contact point
 Com::physics::constraints::ContactConstraint::ObjectPairA class that stores the IDs for a pair of simulated objects
 Com::physics::context::PhysicsContextThe main object that handles simulation of a physics scene
 Com::physics::context::PhysicsContext::ConstraintInfoAn object that stores information about a constraint in a physics context
 Com::physics::context::PhysicsContext::ConstraintIslandA class that stores information for a constraint island in a physics context
 Com::physics::context::PhysicsContext::SceneInfoAn object that stores information about a scene in a physics context
 Com::physics::context::PhysicsContextObjectThe base class for objects that use a physics context to do simulation
 Com::physics::context::PhysicsFlagsA class that encapsulates the different boolean flags that a physics simulation can have
 Com::physics::context::PhysicsRequestA class that contains parameters for a physics simulation
 Com::physics::forces::ForceFieldFlagsA class that encapsulates the different boolean flags that a force field can have
 Com::physics::forces::ForceTypeA class that encapsulates a type for a PhysicsForce
 Com::physics::objects::PhysicsObjectTypeA class that encapsulates a type for a PhysicsPhysicsObject
 Com::physics::shapes::MeshShape::TriangleA class that is used to specify input triangles for a mesh shape
 Com::physics::shapes::PhysicsShapeA class that represents an abstract 3D geometry within a physics simulation
 Com::physics::shapes::ShapeFlagsA class that encapsulates the different boolean flags that a shape can have
 Com::physics::shapes::ShapeTypeA class that encapsulates a type for a PhysicsShape
 Com::resources::OpaqueResourceA class that opaquely stores a reference to a resource
 Com::resources::PrototypeA class that represents a template for a group of resources that can be instantiated as a module
 Com::resources::Prototype::ComponentA class that stores information about a resource that belongs to a prototype
 Com::resources::PrototypeFlagsA class that encapsulates the different boolean flags that Prototype can have
 Com::resources::Resource< DataType >A class that encapsulates a handle to resource data
 Com::resources::ResourceCategoryA class that represents the category of a generic resource
 Com::resources::ResourceFlagsA class that encapsulates the different boolean flags that Resource can have
 Com::resources::ResourceFormatAn enum class that specifies a storage format for a resource and its attributes
 Com::resources::ResourceGroupA class that stores an ordered list of opaque resources that is used as a semantic grouping
 Com::resources::ResourceIDA class that represents a unique identifier for a resource
 Com::resources::ResourceManagerA class that manages resources for a set of formats that it can handle
 Com::resources::ResourceModeAn enum class that specifies how resources should be handled when loading/saving
 Com::resources::ResourceModuleA class that encapsulates a collection of related ResourceSetTypeTranscoder objects
 Com::resources::ResourceReferenceA class that stores a file-local reference to a resource
 Com::resources::ResourceReferencePatcherA class that stores resource references that need to be patched for a templated data type
 Com::resources::ResourceSetA class that represents a generic collection of arbitrarily-typed resource objects
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< DataType >A class that specifies functions that determine how an resource type should be encoded/decoded
 Com::resources::ResourceSubTypeA class that represents the sub type of a generic resource
 Com::resources::ResourceTagA class that represents a semantic tag for a group of resources
 Com::resources::ResourceTranscoderThe base class for objects that load and save resource data
 Com::resources::ResourceTypeA class that represents the type of a generic resource
 Com::resources::ResourceTypeIDA class that represents the complete type of a resource object
 Com::resources::ResourceTypeSetBaseThe base class for a set of resources of a generic type
 Com::scripting::mir::ContextualAnalyzerA class that analyzes the structure of a parsed AST to determine if it is semantically valid
 Com::scripting::mir::lang::ASTNodeA class that represents the base class for a node within a Mir abstract syntax tree
 Com::scripting::mir::lang::IDTableA class that provides a data structure for efficiently resolving identifier names
 Com::scripting::mir::lang::IDTableEntryA class that represents an entry within an IDTable
 Com::scripting::mir::lang::OperatorTypeA class that represents the type of a Mir language operator
 Com::scripting::mir::lang::ReferenceQualifierA class that represents a reference qualifier in the source code
 Com::scripting::mir::lang::TokenA class that represents a token for the Mir scripting language
 Com::scripting::mir::lang::TokenTypeA class that represents the type of a Mir language token
 Com::scripting::mir::lang::VisibilityA class that represents a type of visibility for a scope member declaration
 Com::scripting::mir::ParserA class that parses a stream of tokens into an abstract syntax tree for the Mir language
 Com::scripting::mir::ScannerA class that parses raw text data and produces a set of tokens for the Mir scripting language
 Com::scripting::mir::SourceGeneratorA class that converts a pre-parsed Module abstract syntax tree into valid source code
 Com::scripting::util::ErrorA class that encapsulates information about a compilation error
 Com::scripting::util::PositionA class that represents a character position within a source file
 Com::sound::acoustics::base::AcousticFlagsA class that encapsulates the different boolean flags that an acoustic simulation can have
 Com::sound::acoustics::base::AcousticMetricsA class that contains various standard acoustic metrics that are derived from an impulse response
 Com::sound::acoustics::base::AcousticUsageA class that specifies how the output of an acoustic simluation will be used
 Com::sound::acoustics::base::DirectionIRA class that stores the directional component of an impulse response
 Com::sound::acoustics::base::EnergyIRA class that stores the binned energy decay histogram of an impulse response
 Com::sound::acoustics::base::MeshGroupA class that represents a 3D mesh of connected vertices with sound material properties
 Com::sound::acoustics::base::PathIRA class that stores an impulse response as a set of discrete sound paths
 Com::sound::acoustics::base::PressureIRA class that stores a pressure impulse response that is directly suitable for audio rendering
 Com::sound::acoustics::base::SoundMaterialA class that specifies information about a material in an acoustic simulation
 Com::sound::acoustics::base::SoundMaterialAttributeA class that specifies a single frequency-dependent attribute for a sound material
 Com::sound::acoustics::base::SoundMaterialAttributeTypeA class that specifies the type of an attribute for a sound material
 Com::sound::acoustics::contexts::AcousticContextA generic interface for classes that perform sound propagation and rendering
 Com::sound::acoustics::contexts::AcousticContextDelegateA class that handles callback events for an acoustic context simulation
 Com::sound::acoustics::contexts::AcousticContextObjectThe base class for objects that use a acoustics context to do simulation
 Com::sound::acoustics::contexts::AcousticPairA class that specifies a source and listener pair
 Com::sound::acoustics::contexts::AcousticPairResultA class that stores the output of sound propagation for a source and listener pair
 Com::sound::acoustics::contexts::AcousticRequestA class that specifies the configuration for an acoustic context
 Com::sound::acoustics::contexts::AcousticResultA class that receives the output of sound propagation in an acoustic context
 Com::sound::acoustics::contexts::AcousticResultFlagsA class that specifies the requested output flags for an acoustic simulation
 Com::sound::acoustics::contexts::AcousticStatisticsA class that receives sound propagation and rendering statistics for an acoustic context
 Com::sound::acoustics::contexts::GeometricAcousticContext::RequestA class that stores implementation-specific parameters for a geometric acoustic context
 Com::sound::acoustics::objects::SoundObjectFlagsA class that encapsulates the different boolean flags that a sound object can have
 Com::sound::acoustics::objects::SoundTransducerFlagsA class that encapsulates the different boolean flags that a sound transducer can have
 Com::sound::base::ChannelInfoA class that stores information about the 3D placement and semantic type of a channel's speaker
 Com::sound::base::ChannelLayoutA class that specifies the configuration and usage of a set of channels of audio
 Com::sound::base::ChannelLayoutTypeAn enum wrapper class that specifies various predefined types of channel layouts
 Com::sound::base::ChannelMixMatrixA class that holds a matrix of gain coefficients mapping from one channel configuration to another
 Com::sound::base::ChannelTypeAn enum wrapper class that specifies the semantic usage of a channel of audio
 Com::sound::base::ConvolutionA class that implements multi-output dynamic streaming convolution
 Com::sound::base::Convolution::IRDelegateA class that opaquely provides an IR from an external source
 Com::sound::base::Convolution::IRRequestA class that holds parameters for how an impulse response is updated
 Com::sound::base::Convolution::RequestA class that manages parameters for a convolution instance
 Com::sound::base::DirectionalIRA class that stores a directional transfer function for a linear acoustic system
 Com::sound::base::FrequencyDataA class that stores a sequence of frequency-dependent values in sorted order
 Com::sound::base::Int24A class used to represent a 24-bit integer number
 Com::sound::base::LerpState< T, TimeType >A class that stores the state for a time-domain linear interpolation
 Com::sound::base::MIDIBufferA class that represents a sequence of MIDI events
 Com::sound::base::MIDIEventA class that represents a single MIDI message that occurred at an absolute moment in time
 Com::sound::base::MIDIInputStreamA class that represents a streaming input source for MIDI data
 Com::sound::base::MIDIMessageA class that represents a single MIDI message
 Com::sound::base::MIDIOutputStreamA class that represents a stream-writable destination for MIDI data
 Com::sound::base::MIDITimeA class that represents a musical position within a MIDI sequence
 Com::sound::base::PanDirectionA class that represents a generic panning direction
 Com::sound::base::Sample< T >A class that represents a template primitive-typed sound sample
 Com::sound::base::SampleTypeAn enum wrapper class that specifies the type of a sample of audio data
 Com::sound::base::SharedBufferInfoA class that holds information about a shared sound buffer buffer
 Com::sound::base::SharedBufferPoolA class that provides a pool of thread-safe temporary SoundBuffer objects for efficient DSP processing
 Com::sound::base::SharedSoundBufferA class that represents a temporary handle to a shared SoundBuffer
 Com::sound::base::SoundBufferA class representing a buffer of multichannel audio data
 Com::sound::base::SoundFormatAn enum class representing the different kinds of sound encoding formats
 Com::sound::base::SoundFormatFlagsA class that stores different boolean parameters for sound formats
 Com::sound::base::SoundFormatSettingsA class that specifies common settings for sound formats
 Com::sound::base::SoundFrameA class that provides all of the information needed for a SoundFilter to process sound data
 Com::sound::base::SoundInputStreamA class that abstracts a read-only source of sound samples
 Com::sound::base::SoundOutputStreamA class that abstracts a write-only destination of sound samples
 Com::sound::base::SoundRegionA class that represents a region of a sound resource and its playback parameters
 Com::sound::base::SoundResultA class that represents the result of a sound frame
 Com::sound::base::SoundTrackA class that represents a sorted time sequence of sound regions
 Com::sound::base::TimeSignatureA class that represents a standard musical time signature
 Com::sound::devices::DefaultSoundDeviceA class that maintains a default input and output device abstraction layer
 Com::sound::devices::MIDIDeviceA class that represents a system MIDI device
 Com::sound::devices::MIDIDeviceDelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve MIDIDevice events
 Com::sound::devices::MIDIDeviceIDA class that is used to encapsulate a unique identifier for a system MIDI device
 Com::sound::devices::MIDIDeviceManagerA class that queries the system for currently connected MIDI devices
 Com::sound::devices::MIDIDeviceManagerDelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve MIDIDeviceManager events
 Com::sound::devices::SoundDeviceA class that represents a system sound device
 Com::sound::devices::SoundDeviceDelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve SoundDevice events
 Com::sound::devices::SoundDeviceIDA class that is used to encapsulate a unique identifier for a system sound device
 Com::sound::devices::SoundDeviceManagerA class that queries the system for currently connected audio devices
 Com::sound::devices::SoundDeviceManagerDelegateA class that contains function objects that recieve SoundDeviceManager events
 Com::sound::filters::FilterCategoryA class that represents the kind of effect that a SoundFilter performs
 Com::sound::filters::FilterParameterA class that holds the type and value of a SoundFilter parameter
 Com::sound::filters::FilterParameterCurveA class that represents the scaling curve to use when displaying a SoundFilter parameter
 Com::sound::filters::FilterParameterFlagsA class that encapsulates the different flags that a sound filter parameter can have
 Com::sound::filters::FilterParameterInfoA class that represents information about a particular SoundFilter parameter
 Com::sound::filters::FilterParameterTypeA class that represents the actual type of a SoundFilter parameter
 Com::sound::filters::FilterParameterUnitsA class that represents the units of a SoundFilter parameter
 Com::sound::filters::FilterParameterValueA class that holds a union of data representing a filter parameter value
 Com::sound::filters::FilterPresetA class that represents a preset configuration for a SoundFilter
 Com::sound::filters::FilterStateA class that represents the entire serialized state of a SoundFilter instance
 Com::sound::filters::FilterVersionA class that represents the version number of a SoundFilter class
 Com::sound::filters::SoundFilterA class that represents a lightweight audio processing unit
 Com::sound::filters::SoundPlayer::InstanceA class that contains information about a single playback instance for a sound player
 Com::sound::io::SoundConverterA class that handles encoding and decoding sound data to/from various formats
 Com::sound::plugins::PluginDelegateA class that handles events related to a particular sound plugin, such as instance creation
 Com::sound::plugins::PluginIDA class that represents that unique identifier for an external sound filter plugin
 Com::sound::plugins::PluginManagerA class that manages generic access to of any kind of audio plugin
 Com::sound::plugins::PluginTypeA class that represents of a particular type of plugin, such as AU, VST, or filter
 Com::sound::plugins::PluginTypeManagerAn interface for a class that manages a collection of plugins of a particular type
 Com::sound::plugins::SoundPluginA class that opaquely wraps an arbitrary sound effect that has a SoundFilter interface
 Com::sound::vst::SoundFilterVSTA class that wraps a SoundFilter object with an VST plugin interface
 Com::system::CPUA class that represents a global interface to the system's memory
 Com::system::DisplayA class that represents an interface to a single connected video display
 Com::system::DisplayIDA class that is used to encapsulate a unique identifier for a system video display
 Com::system::DisplayModeA class that encapsulates a single possible configuration for a system video display
 Com::system::MemoryA class that represents a global interface to the system's memory
 Com::threads::Atomic< T >A class that wraps a primitive-type value in atomic operations
 Com::threads::FunctionThread< Signature >::ReturnValueWrapper< Sig, ReturnType >A class that is used to facilitate accessing the return values of function threads
 Com::threads::FunctionThread< Signature >::ReturnValueWrapper< Sig, void >A class specialization that is used to handle void return values of function threads
 Com::threads::MutexA class whose job is to provide a means of thread synchronization by exclusion
 Com::threads::ScopedMutexA class that locks a mutex upon construction and unlocks it upon destruction
 Com::threads::SemaphoreA class that implements a count-based synchronization object
 Com::threads::SignalA class that represents a thread-to-thread condition signaling event
 Com::threads::ThreadBaseA class that provides a system-independent abstraction for a thread of execution
 Com::threads::ThreadPoolA class that executes jobs on a set of worker threads
 Com::threads::ThreadPriorityAn enum class that specifies the different execution priorities that a thread can have
 Com::time::DateA class that represents an instant in time within the modern calendar
 Com::time::DayA class that represents a single day within a week, month, and year of the modern calendar
 Com::time::MonthA class that represents a particular month in the modern calendar
 Com::time::TimeA class that represents a high-resolution time interval
 Com::time::TimeOfDayA class that represents a particular moment within a 24-hour day to nanosecond resolution
 Com::time::TimerA timer class that behaves like a stopwatch
 Com::util::AllocatorA class that represents the interface for objects that allocate memory
 Com::util::Array< T, SizeType, AllocatorType >A class that represents a dynamically-sized sequence of objects stored contiguously in memory
 Com::util::ArrayList< T, SizeType, AllocatorType >An array-based list class
 Com::util::ArrayList< T, SizeType, AllocatorType >::ConstIteratorAn iterator class for an array list which can't modify it
 Com::util::ArrayList< T, SizeType, AllocatorType >::IteratorIterator class for an array list
 Com::util::HashMap< K, V, HashType, SizeType >A container class that uses a hash table to map key objects to value objects
 Com::util::HashMap< K, V, HashType, SizeType >::BucketIteratorA class that iterates over hash map elements
 Com::util::HashMap< K, V, HashType, SizeType >::ConstBucketIteratorA class that iterates over hash map elements but cannot modify the hash map
 Com::util::HashMap< K, V, HashType, SizeType >::ConstIteratorA class that iterates over hash map elements without the ability to modify them
 Com::util::HashMap< K, V, HashType, SizeType >::IteratorA class that iterates over hash map elements
 Com::util::LinkedList< T >A doubly-linked list class
 Com::util::LinkedList< T >::ConstIteratorIterator class for a linked list which can't modify it
 Com::util::LinkedList< T >::IteratorIterator class for a linked list
 Com::util::LinkedList< T >::NodeThe class for a linked list node
 Com::util::ObjectPool< T, blockSizeLog2, SizeType, AllocatorType >A class that manages a pool of objects that are stored at persistent locations in memory
 Com::util::ObjectPool< T, blockSizeLog2, SizeType, AllocatorType >::IteratorA class that iterates over the valid objects in an object pool
 Com::util::PODArray< T, dimension, SizeType, AllocatorType >The template prototype for the PODArray class
 Com::util::PODArray< T, 1, SizeType, AllocatorType >A specialization of the PODArray class with 1 dimension
 Com::util::PODArray< T, 2, SizeType, AllocatorType >A specialization of the PODArray class with 2 dimensions
 Com::util::PODArray< T, 3, SizeType, AllocatorType >A specialization of the PODArray class with 3 dimensions
 Com::util::PriorityQueue< T, SizeType, AllocatorType >A class that implements a max-heap-based priority queue
 Com::util::ShortArray< T, localCapacity, SizeType >A class that represents a dynamically-sized sequence of objects stored contiguously in memory
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< T, localCapacity, SizeType >An array-based list class that uses a fixed-size local buffer for its elements
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< T, localCapacity, SizeType >::ConstIteratorAn iterator class for an short array list which can't modify it
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< T, localCapacity, SizeType >::IteratorIterator class for an short array list
 Com::util::StaticArray< T, size >A class that provides a safe wrapper for statically-sized arrays
 Com::util::StaticArrayList< T, capacity, SizeType >An array-based list class with a static element capacity
 Com::util::StaticArrayList< T, capacity, SizeType >::ConstIteratorAn iterator class for a static array list which can't modify it
 Com::util::StaticArrayList< T, capacity, SizeType >::IteratorIterator class for an static array list
 Com::xml::XMLAttributeA class that represents a name-value pair of data for an XML element
 Com::xml::XMLDOMParserA class that loads an entire XML document into memory and returns a tree of XML nodes
 Com::xml::XMLNodeA class that stores a hierarchical representation of an XML node
 Com::xml::XMLSAXParserA class that sequentially parses an XML file as a series of document events
 Com::xml::XMLSAXParser::DelegateA class that contains callback functions that are used to recieve XML data by the user
 Com::lang::Optional< typename lang::om::lang::FunctionCall< Signature >::ReturnType >
 Com::lang::Optional< typename lang::om::lang::FunctionCall< void() >::ReturnType >
 Com::lang::Optional< typename lang::om::lang::FunctionCall< void(const om::graphics::devices::GraphicsDeviceType &deviceType, const om::graphics::devices::RenderedPixelFormat &, const om::graphics::devices::GraphicsContextFlags &) >::ReturnType >
 Com::math::Plane3D< Real >
 Com::util::PODArray< Channel, 1, Size, om::util::AlignedAllocator< 16 > >
 Com::util::PODArray< Float, 1, Size, om::util::AlignedAllocator< 16 > >
 Com::util::PODArray< Float, 2, Size, om::util::AlignedAllocator< 16 > >
 Com::util::PODArray< Float32, 1, Size, AlignedAllocator< 16 > >
 Com::util::PODArray< Sample32f, 2 >
 Com::util::PODArray< SIMDFloat4, 1, IndexType, om::util::AlignedAllocator< 16 > >
 Com::util::PODArray< UByte, 1, UInt32, om::util::AlignedAllocator< 16 > >
 Com::util::PODArray< UInt32 >
 Com::util::PriorityQueue< om::physics::collision::EPASolver::EPATriangle, UInt32, om::util::AlignedAllocator< 16 > >
 Com::util::PriorityQueue< SortableJob >
 Com::math::Random< double >
 Com::math::Random< float >
 Com::math::Random< Float32 >
 Com::math::Random< T >
 Com::resources::Resource< om::graphics::buffers::VertexBuffer >
 Com::resources::Resource< om::graphics::textures::Texture >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< AnimationSequencerTrack >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< AnimationSequencerTrackTensor >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< BoneTensor >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< BoneTrajectory >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< Camera >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< CameraTensor >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< CameraTrajectory >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< ConstantSet >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< Constraint >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< DirectionalIR >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< Font >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< Force >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< ForceField >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< GraphicsObject >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< GraphicsObjectTensor >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< GraphicsObjectTrajectory >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< GraphicsScene >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< GraphicsShape >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< Image >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< IndexBuffer >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< Material >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< MeshGroup >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< MIDI >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< MIDIConnection >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< PhysicsMaterial >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< PhysicsObject >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< PhysicsScene >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< PhysicsShape >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< Prototype >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< ResourceGroup >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< ResourceTag >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< RigidObjectTensor >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< RigidObjectTrajectory >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< Scene >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< Sequence >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< Sequencer >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< ShaderProgram >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< ShaderProgramSource >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< ShaderSource >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< Skeleton >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< Sound >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< SoundBuffer >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< SoundBus >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< SoundConnection >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< SoundDeviceBus >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< SoundListener >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< SoundListenerTensor >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< SoundListenerTrajectory >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< SoundMaterial >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< SoundObject >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< SoundObjectTensor >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< SoundObjectTrajectory >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< SoundPlugin >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< SoundScene >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< SoundSequencerTrack >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< SoundShape >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< SoundSource >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< SoundSourceTensor >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< SoundSourceTrajectory >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< SoundTrack >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< StringConnection >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< Technique >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< TensorConnection >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< Texture >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< TextureSet >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< TrajectoryConnection >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< VertexBuffer >
 Com::resources::ResourceSetTypeTranscoder< VertexBufferSet >
 Com::lang::Shared< AudioUnitFactory >
 Com::lang::Shared< DataType >
 Com::lang::Shared< GraphicsContext >
 Com::lang::Shared< GraphicsDevice >
 Com::lang::Shared< GraphicsShape >
 Com::lang::Shared< ItemInfo >
 Com::lang::Shared< Keyboard >
 Com::lang::Shared< lang::om::lang::FunctionCall< Signature > >
 Com::lang::Shared< lang::om::lang::FunctionCall< void() > >
 Com::lang::Shared< lang::om::lang::FunctionCall< void(const om::graphics::devices::GraphicsDeviceType &deviceType, const om::graphics::devices::RenderedPixelFormat &, const om::graphics::devices::GraphicsContextFlags &) > >
 Com::lang::Shared< lang::om::scripting::mir::lang::Type >
 Com::lang::Shared< Menu >
 Com::lang::Shared< MenuBar >
 Com::lang::Shared< MenuInfo >
 Com::lang::Shared< MenuItem >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::base::ResourceTypeEditor >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::base::SpatialObject >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::CameraEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::ConstraintEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::ForceEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::ForceFieldEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::GraphicsMaterialEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::GraphicsObjectEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::GraphicsShapeEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::ImageEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::PhysicsMaterialEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::PhysicsObjectEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::PhysicsShapeEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::PrototypeEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::ResourceGroupEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::ResourceSetEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::SceneEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::SequencerEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::SoundEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::SoundListenerEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::SoundMaterialEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::SoundObjectEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::SoundPluginEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::SoundShapeEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::editors::types::SoundSourceEditor::View >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::engine::base::SceneContext >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::graphics::buffers::DeviceBuffer >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::graphics::buffers::IndexBuffer >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::graphics::buffers::VertexBuffer >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::graphics::devices::GraphicsContext >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::graphics::devices::GraphicsDevice >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::graphics::devices::opengl::OpenGLContext >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::graphics::gui::fonts::Font >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::graphics::materials::DeviceShader >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::graphics::materials::DeviceShaderProgram >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::graphics::textures::DeviceFramebuffer >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::graphics::textures::DeviceTexture >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::graphics::textures::Framebuffer >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::graphics::textures::Texture >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::gui::MenuItem >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::io::DataInputStream >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::ClassDeclaration >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::Constructor >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::ConstructorDeclaration >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::Declaration >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::Expression >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::Field >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::FieldDeclaration >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::Identifier >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::IDTable >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::Import >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::Literal >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::Method >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::MethodDeclaration >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::NamespaceDeclaration >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::Operator >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::OperatorDeclaration >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::Reference >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::Statement >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::TemplateDeclaration >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::TemplateInstantiation >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::TypeDeclaration >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::scripting::mir::lang::VariableDeclaration >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::sound::base::SoundBuffer >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::sound::base::SoundInputStream >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::sound::base::SoundOutputStream >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::sound::filters::SoundFilter >
 Com::lang::Shared< om::xml::XMLNode >
 Com::lang::Shared< RenderView >
 Com::lang::Shared< shapes::om::graphics::shapes::SphereShape >
 Com::lang::Shared< Window >
 Com::util::ShortArray< Channel, 2 >
 Com::util::ShortArray< Face, MAX_FACE_COUNT >
 Com::util::ShortArray< Index, 2 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< data::UTF8String, 1 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< Image *, 1 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< Index, 4 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< MatrixND< Real, 4, 4 >, 2 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< MatrixND< Real, 4, 4 >, 4 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< NodeConnection, 2 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< om::engine::base::EventManagerBase *, 2 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< om::graphics::base::RenderMode, 4 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< om::graphics::base::ScissorTest, 2 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< om::graphics::base::Viewport, 2 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< om::graphics::materials::ShaderProgramSource *, 2 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< om::graphics::materials::Technique *, 2 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< om::graphics::materials::Technique *, 4 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< om::graphics::scenes::GraphicsObject *, 2 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< om::graphics::shapes::GraphicsShape *, 2 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< om::graphics::shapes::SubdivisionShape::Subdivision *, 8 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< om::images::base::ChannelInfo, 4 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< om::sound::acoustics::base::MeshGroup *, 1 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< om::sound::acoustics::objects::SoundShape *, 1 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< om::sound::base::MIDIEvent, FIXED_EVENT_ARRAY_SIZE >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< ShapeInfo, 4, UInt32 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< Size, 3 >
 Com::util::ShortArrayList< TargetView, 1 >
 Com::math::SIMDArray< Float32, numBands >
 Com::math::SIMDArray< Float32, shCoefficientCount >
 Com::math::SIMDScalar< Float32, SIMD_WIDTH >
 Com::math::SIMDScalar< Int32, SIMD_WIDTH >
 Com::math::SIMDScalar< T, 4 >
 Com::util::StaticArray< Float, 2 >
 Com::util::StaticArray< Float, 3 >
 Com::util::StaticArray< Float, 7 >
 Com::util::StaticArray< om::sound::filters::ParametricFilter, NUMBER_OF_FILTERS >
 Com::util::StaticArray< Sample32f, 2 >
 Com::util::StaticArray< Size, MAX_DIMENSION_COUNT >
 Com::util::StaticArrayList< om::physics::constraints::ContactConstraint::Contact *, MAX_MANIFOLD_SIZE, UInt32 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 2, 0, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 2, 0, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 2, 1, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 2, 1, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 3, 0, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 3, 0, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 3, 0, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 3, 1, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 3, 1, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 3, 1, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 3, 2, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 3, 2, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 3, 2, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 4, 0, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 4, 0, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 4, 0, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 4, 0, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 4, 1, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 4, 1, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 4, 1, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 4, 1, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 4, 2, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 4, 2, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 4, 2, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 4, 2, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 4, 3, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 4, 3, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 4, 3, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle2D< T, 4, 3, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 0, 0, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 0, 0, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 0, 0, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 0, 1, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 0, 1, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 0, 1, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 0, 2, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 0, 2, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 0, 2, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 1, 0, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 1, 0, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 1, 0, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 1, 1, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 1, 1, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 1, 1, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 1, 2, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 1, 2, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 1, 2, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 2, 0, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 2, 0, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 2, 0, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 2, 1, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 2, 1, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 2, 1, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 2, 2, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 2, 2, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 3, 2, 2, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 0, 0, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 0, 0, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 0, 0, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 0, 0, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 0, 1, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 0, 1, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 0, 1, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 0, 1, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 0, 2, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 0, 2, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 0, 2, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 0, 2, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 0, 3, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 0, 3, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 1, 0, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 1, 0, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 1, 0, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 1, 0, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 1, 1, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 1, 1, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 1, 1, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 1, 1, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 1, 2, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 1, 2, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 1, 2, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 1, 2, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 1, 3, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 1, 3, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 2, 0, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 2, 0, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 2, 0, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 2, 0, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 2, 1, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 2, 1, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 2, 1, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 2, 1, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 2, 2, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 2, 2, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 2, 2, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 2, 2, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 2, 3, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 2, 3, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 3, 0, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 3, 0, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 3, 1, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 3, 1, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 3, 2, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 3, 2, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 3, 3, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 3, 3, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 3, 3, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle3D< T, 4, 3, 3, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 0, 1, 3, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 0, 2, 1, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 0, 2, 3, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 0, 3, 1, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 0, 3, 2, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 1, 0, 2, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 1, 0, 3, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 1, 2, 0, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 1, 3, 0, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 1, 3, 2, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 2, 0, 1, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 2, 0, 3, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 2, 1, 0, 3 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 2, 1, 3, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 2, 3, 0, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 2, 3, 1, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 3, 0, 1, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 3, 0, 2, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 3, 1, 0, 2 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 3, 1, 2, 0 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 3, 2, 0, 1 >
 Com::math::Swizzle4D< T, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 >
 Com::math::Transform3D< float >
 Com::math::Transform3D< Real >
 Com::math::VectorND< float, 2 >
 Com::math::VectorND< float, 3 >
 Com::math::VectorND< float, 4 >
 Com::math::VectorND< float, numRows >
 Com::math::VectorND< Real, 2 >
 Com::math::VectorND< Real, 3 >
 Com::math::VectorND< Real, numRows >
 Com::math::VectorND< T, numRows >