Om  1.0.0
A universal framework for multimedia simulation
Classes | Namespaces
omScriptingMirExpressions.h File Reference
#include "omScriptingMirLanguageConfig.h"
#include "omScriptingMirASTNode.h"
#include "omScriptingMirOperatorType.h"
#include "omScriptingMirLiterals.h"
#include "omScriptingMirType.h"
#include "omScriptingMirReference.h"
#include "omScriptingMirVariableDeclaration.h"


class  om::scripting::mir::lang::Expression
 A class that represents an expression within the source code. More...
class  om::scripting::mir::lang::UnaryExpression
 A class that represents a generic unary operator expression that operates on one expression operand. More...
class  om::scripting::mir::lang::BinaryExpression
 A class that represents a generic binary operator expression that operates on two expression operands. More...
class  om::scripting::mir::lang::ArrayAccessExpression
 A class that represents a generic unary operator expression that operates on one expression operand. More...
class  om::scripting::mir::lang::NewArrayExpression
 A class that represents an array-type allocation expression. More...
class  om::scripting::mir::lang::NewObjectExpression
 A class that represents an object-type allocation expression. More...
class  om::scripting::mir::lang::FunctionCallExpression
 A class that represents an expression where a function expression is called with arguments. More...
class  om::scripting::mir::lang::IsaExpression
 A class that represents a generic unary operator expression that operates on one expression operand. More...
class  om::scripting::mir::lang::CastExpression
 A class that represents an expression where another expression is cast to a specific type. More...
class  om::scripting::mir::lang::LiteralExpression
 A class that represents a literal valued expression within the source code. More...
class  om::scripting::mir::lang::ReferenceExpression
 A class that represents an expression that references an object or function within the source code. More...
class  om::scripting::mir::lang::VariableDeclarationExpression
 A class that represents a expression that declares a local variable. More...
class  om::scripting::mir::lang::ExpressionRange
 A class that represents the range of a series of tokens which should be later interpreted as an expression. More...


 The enclosing namespace for the entire Om library.
 The enclosing namespace for the entire scripting library.
 A namespace containing all code related to the Mir scripting language.
 The namespace containing the language and AST definitions for the Mir scripting language.