Om  1.0.0
A universal framework for multimedia simulation
om::math::Random< T, RNG > Member List

This is the complete list of members for om::math::Random< T, RNG >, including all inherited members.

getState() const om::math::Random< T, RNG >inline
getStateSize() const om::math::Random< T, RNG >inline
OutputType typedefom::math::Random< T, RNG >
Random()om::math::Random< T, RNG >inline
Random(SeedType newSeed)om::math::Random< T, RNG >inline
RNGType typedefom::math::Random< T, RNG >
sample()om::math::Random< T, RNG >inline
sample(T min, T max)om::math::Random< T, RNG >inline
sample()om::math::Random< T, RNG >inline
sample(float min, float max)om::math::Random< T, RNG >inline
sample()om::math::Random< T, RNG >inline
sample(double min, double max)om::math::Random< T, RNG >inline
SEED_SIZEom::math::Random< T, RNG >static
SeedType typedefom::math::Random< T, RNG >
setSeed(SeedType newSeed)om::math::Random< T, RNG >inline
setState(const SeedType newState[WIDTH])om::math::Random< T, RNG >inline
setState(const State &newState)om::math::Random< T, RNG >inline
WIDTHom::math::Random< T, RNG >static