Om  1.0.0
A universal framework for multimedia simulation
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
omFFT.h File Reference
#include "omMathConfig.h"
#include "omComplex.h"


class  om::math::FFT
 A class that implements a fast fourier transform for a specific power-of-two FFT size. More...


 The enclosing namespace for the entire Om library.
 A namespace containing classes and functions that do fast math operations.


void om::math::fft (Complex< Float32 > *inOut, Size size)
 Convert N complex values to N complex values in-place using the forward transform. More...
void om::math::ifft (Complex< Float32 > *inOut, Size size)
 Convert N complex values to N complex values using the reverse transform. More...
void om::math::fft (Float32 *inOut, Size size)
 Convert N real float values to N/2+1 complex values in place. More...
void om::math::fft (const Float32 *input, Complex< Float32 > *output, Size size)
 Convert N real float values to N/2+1 complex values. More...
void om::math::ifft (Float32 *inOut, Size size)
 Convert N/2+1 complex values to N real float values in place. More...
void om::math::ifft (const Complex< Float32 > *input, Float32 *output, Size size)
 Convert N/2+1 complex values to N real float values. More...
void om::math::fftShift (Complex< Float32 > *data, Size size)
 Shift the zero-frequency components of the specified array to the center of the array. More...
template<typename T >
Bool om::math::fft2D (Complex< T > *data, Size width, Size height)
 Compute the forward 2D Fourier transform in-place on the specified array of complex numbers. More...
template<typename T >
Bool om::math::ifft2D (Complex< T > *data, Size width, Size height)
 Compute the inverse 2D Fourier transform in-place on the specified array of complex numbers. More...
template<typename T >
Bool om::math::fftShift2D (Complex< T > *data, Size width, Size height)
 Shift the zero-frequency components of the specified 2D matrix to the center of the matrix. More...